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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-10-21 18:38:01





设计团队:建筑 | 陶舒婷,刘洋,冼浩辉,薛君,肖欣雨,钱佳,李兰若,郭正浩,刘靖寰,黄钒郎,谢如珪,李云宏;
景观 | 陈希;
驻场 |王诗羽,陈希,钱佳,迟增磊,曲昊合作团队:结构顾问 | 和作结构建筑研究所-张准,张冲冲,陈学剑;
机电顾问与合作设计 | 上海勘察设计研究院(集团)有限公司-梁明,潘珅,万华军,刘剑平,何安诚;
混凝土顾问 | 素造建筑-杜杰;
混凝土保护剂顾问 | 素造建筑-杜杰,科焱建筑装饰工程-毛勇,鼎中新材料-黄凰;
抛光混凝土地坪顾问 | 梵行建筑工程-严乾凤建筑面积:10,905m2





Client: Dingshu Vocational School of Pottery

Principal Architects: XUE Zhe,FAN Beilei,KONG Rui

Project Architect: WANG Shiyu

Project Team: Architecture | TAO Shuting,LIU Yang,XIAN Haohui,XUE Jun,XIAO Xinyu,QIAN Jia,LI Lanruo,GUO Zhenghao,LIU Jinghuan,HUANG Fanlang,XIE Rugui,LI Yunhong;Landscape | CHEN Xi;Site Architects |WANG Shiyu,CHEN Xi,QIAN Jia,CHI Zenglei,QU Hao

Collaborates: Structural Consultant |AND Office-ZHANG Zhun,ZHANG Chongchong,CHEN Xuejian;M&E Consultant and Corporate Design |SGIDI-LIANG Ming,PAN Shen,WAN Huajun,LIU Jianping,HE Ancheng;Fair-faced Concrete Consultant |Suzao Construction-DU Jie;Concrete Protectant Consultant |Suzao Construction-DU Jie,Keyan Construction &Decoration-MAO Yong,Dingzhong Material-HUANG Huang;Polished Concrete Flooring Consultant |Fanhang Construction-YAN Qianfeng


Floor Area: 10,905 m2

Design Period: 2017.12-2019.05

Completion Time: 2021.04

Drawings: genarchitects

Photos: SU Shengliang,CHEN Hao






In the context of rapid urbanisation,the appearance of China"s countryside is changing dramatically.Young people are leaving their hometown,making the development of traditional handicraft culture facing challenges.

Dingshu Vocational School of Pottery,located in the origin town of Yixing teapots (purple clay teapots),is one of the few schools specialising in pottery in the national rural adult education system.It aims to increase the income and improve the lives of local residents by offering academic education and skills training.At the same time,it also opens to rural community which lack public facilities as a venue for education and activities.

Different from the typical schools with massive buildings and extensive squares,this campus is a low-density cluster of buildings that adopted the meandering spatial layout of traditional artisan workshops.The four essential buildings -two workshops and halls,are placed at the centre of the campus,and formed a plaza which serves as a central stage for outdoor events.Each function acquires its corresponding space,structure and equipment,resulting in a series of single buildings.

After its completion,this school provides pottery training for thousands of local residents each year.Meanwhile,the cultural activities held here benefit the local community and keep the long tradition of pottery making alive in this small town.

Jury Statement

1 松散布局的漫步式校园A low-density campus where people can meander

In the project of Dingshu Vocational School of Pottery,the architects" intention of paying tribute to the traditional craftsmanship can be seen everywhere from design of the campus as a whole to each individual building,and from the integration of structural and spatial design to the use of simple and plain materials.The architectural design of the project tries to respond to different spaces with different but delicate structural approaches to achieve a holistic architectural effect.At the same time,it addresses the basic functions such as lighting,ventilation and drainage in an adaptive and skilful manner,with great care and a high level of integration.The design of the whole campus and each building pays tribute to the traditional craftsmanship spirit while still displaying a simple and rustic contemporary aura.

2 总图Site plan

3 首层平面Ground floor plan

4 大工场剖透视Perspective section of major workshop

5 小工场剖透视Perspective section of minor workshop

6 教学楼剖透视Perspective section of classroom units

7 展陈楼剖透视Perspective section of exhibition building

9 位于展陈楼二层的朴树庭院Terrace of the exhibition building is covered by the canopy of a Chinese hackberry

10 正在大工场中举行的年度制壶大赛The annual pottery competition in the major workshop

11 综合楼剖透视Perspective section of multifunctional building

12 行政楼剖透视Perspective section of administration building

13 服务楼剖透视Perspective section of service building

14 窗和百叶塑造的大工场室内光环境Comfortable natural light environment inside the major workshop is formed by windows and aluminum louvers

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