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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-04-27 11:38:02




1. V-ing形式可用作动词的宾语

Lucy completed writing her paper yesterday. 露西昨天完成了论文的写作。

Ted suggested organizing a trip to the Great Wall this summer. 泰德建议在今年夏天组织一次去长城的旅行。

只能接V-ing形式作宾语的动词有:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, include, keep, mention, mind, miss, pardon, postpone, practise, quit, risk, suggest等。

I appreciate your waiting in line for your turn like others. 我很感激你像别人一样排队等待。

Have you considered exploring the mountain this weekend? 你这个周末考虑过登山了吗?

They postponed making the final decision due to the unexpected changes. 由于这些意想不到的变化,他们推迟做最后的决定。

有些动词不能后接V-ing形式作宾语,而应使用不定式。这类动词有:agree, choose, decide, hope, fail, wish, refuse, expect, manage, plan, intend, pretend, promise, offer, afford, demand, arrange等。

They decided to build a highway between these two cities. 他们决定在这两个城市之间建一条公路。

She offered to help me when I was in trouble. 当我有困难的时候,她提出帮助我。

2. V-ing形式可用作动词短语的宾语

下列动词短语burst out, feel like, give up, insist on, put off, cant help (禁不住), cant resist (忍不住), cant stand (无法忍受)等,只能后接V-ing形式作宾语,不能使用动词不定式。

Sometimes students put off doing their homework until the last minute. 有时学生们会拖延到最后一分钟才做作业。

Most customers cant resist being persuaded to buy things they dont really need. 大多数顾客都无法抗拒被说服去买他们其实不需要的东西。

3. V-ing形式也可用作介词的宾语

He apologized to the teacher for being late. 他为迟到而向老师道歉。

Her family are all proud of having such a splendid house. 她的家人都为拥有这样一个漂亮的房子而感到自豪。

Have you succeeded in convincing them? 你成功地说服他们了吗?

Who is against changing the plan? 谁反对改变计划?



【正】 Ive been looking forward to coming to Beijing.

【誤】 Ive been looking forward to come to Beijing.


【正】 Lets get down to discussing the future of the company.

【误】 Lets get down to discuss the future of the company.

此类结构还有:in addition to 除……外;admit to 承认;devote oneself to 献身于;be equal to 能胜任;等于;be familiar to 为……所熟悉;give ones mind to 专心于;keep to 坚持;look up to 尊敬;lead to 导致;look forward to 盼望;object to 反对;pay attention to 注意;point to 指向;stick to 坚持;see to 注意;负责,照料;be used to 习惯于;turn to 求助于等。


(1) have difficulty / trouble / problems / a struggle (in) doing sth. 做某事中遇到困难、麻烦、问题等

They had a lot of trouble (in) finding her house. 他们费了好大的劲儿才找到她的房子。

(2) have a hard / happy / good / difficult / wonderful time (in) doing sth. 做某事的过程艰难/快乐等

We had a wonderful time (in) working with Peter. 和彼得共事,我们感觉很愉快。

(3) sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事

Alice spends one fifth of her wage (in) buying new clothes. 爱丽斯五分之一的工资花费在买新衣服上。

(4) sb.+ be busy (in) doing sth. 某人忙于做某事

The dustman was busy (in) collecting the rubbish when I passed by him. 我经过他时,清洁工正忙着收集垃圾。

(5) sb. lose no time (in) doing sth. 某人立即(迅速)做某事

His mother lost no time (in) calling the fire brigade. 他的母亲立刻给消防队打电话。

4. 使用it作形式宾语,要将V-ing形式后置

She found it useless arguing with him. 她发现和他争论没有用。

Do you consider it any good our going there? 你认为我们去有帮助吗?


Learning English in spare time is quite challenging. (challenging相当于形容词) 业余时间学英语,相当有挑战性。

Her job is dealing with the documents. (dealing with the documents相當于名词) 她的工作就是处理这些文档。


1. 相当于形容词,此时应注意与过去分词区别。试比较如下:

The football match was really exciting. We were all excited at the result. (V-ing形式表主动,过去分词表被动) 这场足球比赛确实令人兴奋。我们都对这个结果感到很兴奋。

2. 相当于名词,此时易与进行时结构相混,可从以下两个方面予以区别:

(1) 看主语是否是V-ing动词的执行者(即V-ing动词的动作是否是句子主语的动作)。是,则为进行时;不是,则为V-ing形式。

① He is repairing the machine. 他正在修理机器。

② His job is repairing the machine. 他的工作是修理机器。

例1中的repair是主语he的动作,为进行时。例2中的repair显然不是his job的动作,为V-ing形式作表语。

(2) 看V-ing动词(结构)能否与主语对换位置。能则为V-ing形式,不能则为进行时。

③ The most difficult problem is building the bridge base. 最难的问题是建造桥基。

④ They are building the bridge base. 他们正在建造桥基。

例3可以调整为:“Building the bridge base is the most difficult problem.”,故为V-ing形式。而例4则不能(Building the bridge base are they. 不正确),故为进行时。



1. Do you allow ____ (discuss) in the course of an English lesson?

2. But in the end the manager decided ____ (give) the girl another chance.

3. Nowadays more and more Chinese can afford ____ (buy) a car of their own.

4. Dont continue ____ (work) like this, or youll break down sooner or later.

5. I knocked at the front door, but nobody answered it. So I tried ____ (knock) at the back one.

6. It is not known yet why the maths teacher refused ____ (come) to our New Year evening.

7. Have you considered ____ (do) something to reduce the pollution in our area?

8. Our school delayed ____ (hold) the sports meet because of the rain.

9. He didnt do his homework, but he pretended ____ (do) it.

10. He made a reasonable excuse and finally escaped ____ (punish).


1. He had no difficulty ____ the problems.

A. working out   B. having worked out     C. to have worked out   D. to work out

2. The sentence wants ____ once more.

A. to explain     B. explaining           C. being explained         D. to be explained it

3. Articles used by patients must be disinfected before ____ others.

A. using           B. being used by           C. used by               D. being using

4. I regretted ____ that to her.

A. having said     B. to have said             C. to say           D. /

5. Our monitor suggested ____ a discussion of the subject.

A. to have         B. should have              C. have       D. having

6. I cant understand ____ at her.

A. you laugh B. you to laugh       C. why laugh      D. your laughing

7. In order to reach the top of the hill in six hours, they try ____.

A. to climb the mountain hardly         B. hard to climb the mountain

C. to climb hardly the mountain         D. to climb the mountain hard

8. I happened ____ the article when he asked me about it.

A. having read    B. to have read       C. to be read          D. reading

9. He is said ____ to London already.

A. having sent    B. to be sending      C. to have been sent D. being sent

10. The little boy insisted on ____ with a cake.

A. being served B. to be served       C. servingD. serve

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