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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-04-11 17:38:02



bec商务英语答案 第1篇


(1)expertise 专门技术

He has the expertise in the management of


(2)quiz 智力竞赛;小测验 考查,盘问

The Cambridge team were too much for the Oxford team in the


(3)unrivalled 无对手的, 无匹的=unrivaled

The nation’s biggest computer manufacturer, once an engine of growth and an unrivaled success, said the job cuts and plant closings would cost about$6 billion before taxes, a sum that will be reflected in its bottom line by the end of this


(4)exploit 剥削, 利用, 开发, 开拓 功绩, 英勇行为

People should read the related regulations before they exploit natural


(5)revitalising 复活的, 新生的;动词revitalise的现在分词形式=revitalizing(美)

Revitalising wheels and tyres is the first thing a garage will do when putting a car on the


(6)controversial 引起争论的,有争议的

In deference to our host I decided not to challenge his controversial


(7)poach (侵入他人地界)偷猎(或捕鱼), 水煮, 侵占, 挖走

A rival firm poached our best computer


(8)devote to 献给

He devoted himself entirely to


(9)premium 加付款;赠品 高级的;售价高的

We will reimburse you (for) the additional


(10)alienate 使疏远,离间;转让(财产等)

The Prime Minister’s policy alienated many of her


(11)vendor 自动售货机, 小贩, 卖方, 供货商 =vender

A few militant members of the crowd attacked the




(1)dread 担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢 担忧,畏惧

I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the


(2)tact 圆通,机敏,老练

He"s short on


(3)administrative 管理的,行政的

He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his


(4)revitalize 使复活,使重新充满活力

I think we have to revitalize our


(5)pinnacle 顶点

He has reached the pinnacle of his


(6)calibre (枪等)口径,(人或事)品质,才能

His work is of the highest


(7)aspiration 强烈的愿望,志向,抱负

He has serious aspirations to a career in


(8)complement 补充;编制名额;补(足)语 补充

His business skill complements her flair for


(9)implication 含意,暗示,暗指;卷入,牵连

The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of


(10)comprise 包含,包括,由…组成;构成,组成

A cricket team is comprised of eleven


(11)immense 广大的,巨大的

Her services to the state have been


(12)consult 请教;查阅,查看 交换意见,商议

You had better consult a doctor


(13)novelty 新奇事物;新奇(感);新颖廉价的物品

Showoffs never miss an opportunity to draw attention to themselves by some outrageous


(14)compatible 兼容的;能和睦相处的,合得来的

The proposed new regulation is not compatible with the existing


(15)exclusively 专门地,排除其他地

This room is exclusively for


(16)patronize 以高人一等的态度对待;惠顾;赞助

He resented the way she patronized


(17)banal 陈腐的

A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or


(18)manipluate 操纵,控制,影响;(熟练地)使用

A clever politician know how to manipulate public


(19)shortfall 不足之量, 差额

a shortfall in the annual budget


(20)severe 严重的;严厉的;严峻的;朴素的

He"s suffering from severe mental


(21)confine 限制;使不外出,禁闭 [ ]界限,范围

I am sick, I have to confine to


(22)defer 推迟,拖延 (to)遵从,听从,服从

I shall defer replying till I hear from


(23)propel 推进,推动;激励,驱使

We are propelled to go


(24)devise 发明,策划,想出

He devises a new type of


(25)disruptive 破坏性的;制造混乱的;捣乱的

He has a disruptive influence on the other


(26)distinction 差别;区分;优秀;荣誉,优待

We should make a distinction between right and


(27)vain 徒劳的,无效的;自负的,爱虚荣的

They endeavoured to make her happy but in


(28)integrated 整合的,完整的

I integrated your suggestion with my


(29)reverse 推翻;颠倒;反向 反面;逆境 反向的

The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its


(30)incorporate 包含,加上,吸收;把…合并,使并入

Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new


(31)lay off (暂时)解雇;停止做

Why don"t you lay off smoking for a while until your cough gets better?


(32)overdraft 透支,透支额

I took out an overdraft to pay for my new


(33)transpire 不及物动词 被人知道,透露 【口】发生

Let"s wait and see what


(34)trendy <口>流行的,赶时髦的

Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!


(35)spell out 详细地说明

The graduate student has to spell out what his tutor had


(36)transcend 超出,超越(理性等)的范围

She far transcends the others in beauty and


(37)indisputably 无争论余地地

Weapons are indisputably a growth industry of the "70s and"


(38)obstacle 障碍(物),妨碍

Her father"s opposition remained only their


(39)reconcile 使协调;使和解;使顺从(甘心)(于)

We tried to reconcile her with her


(40)biased 有偏见的

He was biased against the plan from the




(1)preferred 首选的, 有优先权的

There are no preferred colors or combinations of


(2)line of business 行业, 业务范围

May I know whatline of business you handle?


(3)put off 推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻

Don"tput me off when I"m trying to


(4)refer to 涉及, 指的是, 提及, 参考, 适用于

Don"trefer to this matter again,


(5)hierarchy 等级制度;统治集团,领导层

It"s not as if he was very important in the


(6)take on 开始雇用;呈现;同…较量;承担,从事

He is unwilling to take on heavy


(7)for its own sake 为了…的利益

I believe in education for its own


(8)There is no point in doing sth 做什么事都没有意义

You don"t take advice so there is no point in asking for


(9)restrict to 限制

Membership in this club is restricted to man under


(10)in the habit of 有…的习惯

He is in the habit of rising


(11)in line with与…一致

That isn"t in line with my ideas at


(12)corresponding 相应的,相当的;符合的,一致的

All rights have corresponding


(13)attribute to 把…归因于,属性,特性

His illness is attributable to


(14)in a position to do sth 能够做某事

I"d like to help you,but I"m afraid I"m not in a position to do


(15)substantial 可观的;牢固的,结实的;实质的

By careful strategy she negotiated asubstantial pay


(16)endorsement 背书,赞同

Last sheet of paper in a legal document which, when fold, become the outside sheet and carry


(17)demonstrate 论证;说明;显示 示威游行(或集会)

She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are


(18)rate as 列入

The ship rates as


(19)let down 使失望;放下,降低

That"s a real let


(20)appear to 看来像是, 看来似乎

Youappear to have made/It appears that you have made a


(21)induct 使就职,使入伍

A service to induct the new president of the


(22)consolidation 巩固, 加强, 统一, 合并, 联合

One by one these northern state make know their desire forconsolidation with the


(23)slow down 放缓

Can we slow down and walk for a bit? I"m getting a

咱们放慢速度步行一会儿好吗? 我觉得腰部突然一阵剧痛。

(24)retention rate 保留率

The retention rate of daidzin in water solution is only 50%.


(25)mount up 上升

His debts continued tomount


(26)prove to be 证明是(判明 是)

Perhaps this book willprove to be of some use to you in your


(27)disperse 使分散;使消失 分散;驱散

The crowd


(28)architecture 建筑学(术,业);建筑式样(风格)

The style ofarchitecture originated from the ancient


(29)take a percentage of 拿走一部分

What was I going to do, take a percentage of their dirt?


(30)straightforward 正直的,坦率的;易懂的,简单的

His straightforward, modest manner took into camp everybody he


(31)turn out 结果是

I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I


(32)in a row 一个接一个地,接连不断地

The team has chalked up its fifth win in a


bec商务英语答案 第2篇

You will need to use some of these letters more than

1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the

2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently

3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits

4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing

5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance

6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of

7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest

The Stars of the Future

A Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow"s Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations"

B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership Unfortunately, with today"s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, "only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm". This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research

C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating "attraction centres". "We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers," said one Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in

D TLRG has concluded that a company"s HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace The next challenge will be to find a new generation of

bec商务英语答案 第3篇

首先得搞明白的是这篇文章到底讲的什么。不用看具体内容,有两个地方直接告诉了。一个是题目说明的第一句话,另一个是正文的标题。从这两个地方就可以看出全文探讨的是公司未来接班人——也就是潜力股——的培养问题。A段讲了TLRG这个贯穿全文的研究组织诞生的原因:现行的研究满足不了需要,于是大多数公司只能自己探索发掘接班人的模式;(即第五题的答案)B段讲了直属经理(line managers)对于发掘接班人的重要性(真是干什么都要从基层抓起),以及经理们的一些疑虑;C段讲的是接班人问题对公司的重要性,并且应该让院线经理们明白这种重要性;D段是针对前面列出的问题,提出的解决建议,什么专家协助等等。整篇文章分为四个部分,层层递进,有很强的逻辑性。拿这样的文章来做阅读材料应该是相对容易把握的。

7个题干基本是将原文中的句子用另外的词语和句型表述出来,所以题干中的关键词都能在正文里 找到与之匹配的,比如第四题题干里的expert对应D段的specialists,第六题的too busy to对应于B段里的heavy workloads,第七题的interest对应于C段的appeal。第一题说“经理们必须采取措施使潜力股们相信他们对公司的价值”,也就是要让潜力股们对公司忠诚,即C段说的creating “attraction centres”和loyalty。第二题说“组织必须把目光投向正在培养中的潜力股以外的地方”,即D段最后两句话所说的寻找新一代的潜力股。第三题和B段的最后一句话完全是一个意思:怕培养潜力股的投入收不回成本。第四题说开发潜力股,经理们需要在公司内部得到专家支持。答案是D段的第一句话:公司的人力资源专家需要采取行动。HR specialists就是expert。第五题说公司现在没有在指导策略的支持下辨别潜力股。也就是说公司是依靠自己来发掘人才的。答案是A段的第一句:现行的研究满足不了需要,所以公司只能形成自己的一套体系。第六题,经理们太忙了,无暇顾及潜力股的发展。答案是B段的:Unfortunately, with today"s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy 。不幸落在了高工作负荷的人的肩上。高工作负荷,也就是too busy。第七题,看重作为雇主名声的公司可以吸引潜力股。答案是C段的这么一句:if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers。如果公司是以开发员工而著称的话,将会对潜力股产生更大的吸引。以开发员工而著称(known as ones that develop their people),名声很好,也就是看重自己作为雇主的名声。

bec商务英语答案 第4篇






例如,句子中“utlise its current expertise”和文本中“exploit existing skills”相对应。句子中“Move into a more promising market”和文本中“enter a different market”相对应。


















bec商务英语答案 第5篇

The Myth of the Paperless Office

0 The concept of a paperless office grew with the advance of It was

00 widely been claimed that as email became commonplace, people would stop

34 writing memos, keeping bulky files and bringing piles of paper to the

35 But the reality has in fact been quite the reverse, and paper, having already

36 survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably

37 Worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to

38 rise up, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount

39 it consumed in the So, has technology failed in its aim to end the use of

40 paper? Max Bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust

41 ‘Technology is unreliable in most of people"s eyes,’ he "If you are sent an

42 important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the

43 fear that it might have get ’ In contrast, Paul Blunt, a marketing

44 manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress in

45 automating a wide range of tasks, even though the transition between has been more of an evolution than a

《The Myth of the Paperless Office》,无纸化办公室神话。讲的是新技术对现代办公的影响。



36题,和上面的部分联系起来作为一个整体来考虑。paper, having already survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably 中间的部分是插入语,可以不考虑,所以完整的应该是paper has proved remarkably resilient。主谓宾非常齐全,and是多余的。resilient是适应力强的,有弹力的。


38题,持续增长,用rise,rise up是起义的意思。

39题,the amount consumed in the UK,consumed也是后置定语,表示英国的消费总量。it多余。


41题,in most people’s eyes在大多数人的眼里,of多余。


43题,might have done表示可能已经做了某事,而这里的意思是指电子邮件等可能会被删除,不用have,去掉。

44题,Paul Blunt, a marketing manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress。中间的部分是插入成分,不予考虑。完整的是Paul Blunt (who) says there has been significant 主语是人,谓语是says,后面是宾语,成分齐全,who是多余的。

45题,the transition between has been more of an evolution than a 依然是一个完整的句子,成分齐全,transition是主语,has been是谓语,between是多余的。

bec商务英语答案 第6篇

Evaluating the performance of the board

Few employees escape the annual or twice-yearlyperformance (0) answer is not a And the smaller the company, the fewer checks thereare on how well the directors are Some of the largestcompanies formally assess the performance of their board, butvery few new or growing companies have managed to getround to establishing any such

Many business experts believe, however, that it is important for all companies to review theperformance of the (8) reason is that the board itself needs information onhow well it is doing, just as much as other employees For the chief executive, appraisal of somesort is absolutely essential for his or her own sake and for the good of the Indeed, manyof those who have reached this level remark on how lonely the job of chief executive is and howfew opportunities they get to discuss issues relating to

There is some evidence to show that once smaller companies put a board appraisal process inplace, they find this process relatively easy to (9) counterparts in largerorganisations, however, are often afraid that appraisals could be a challenge to their

So, how should companies assess their board? (10) a very basic level,this couldsimply mean getting all the directors to write down what they have achieved and how they canimprove on At the other end of the scale is the full "360-degree" Here, each director isappraised in a systematic manner by a combination of the chairman and fellow

In the largest companies there are many methods for assessing the A number of suchcompanies have self-assessment The chairman may meet each board memberindividually to ask how things are going, in a fairly informal The whole board might also meetto talk about its progress in open (11) might ask for people"s opinions onthe board"s main tasks or on how well the committees are

Research indicates there has been some improvement in the way the appraisal of boardmembers is (12) chairman will have been involved directly or indirectly inthe appraisal of all members of the Whose job is it, then, to appraise the chairman?

A It is often the case that the directors of such companies are even happy to receive criticism,as this can prevent them from making basic

B The rest of the workforce sees it as unfair if the directors are the only members of thecompany to escape

C These are encouraging as they put a limit on the power of the chairman to assess

D Alternatively, questionnaires might be distributed to directors, forming the basis for

E One issue remains, however, when all the others have been dealt

F It is generally agreed that it is the chairman"s responsibility to ensure the regular appraisal ofeach member of the

G However, one wonders how many companies have in place a formal appraisal process fortheir board of


《Evaluating the performance of the board》,评估董事局的表现。众所周知一个公司里面是经常对员工的表现进行评估的,那么谁又来评估董事局的表现呢?这篇文章讲了对董事局表现进行评估的重要性和一些方法。

第八题,前面说对董事局的表现进行评估是很重要的。空格后面的句子中有another reason,可见这个第八空应该填入对董事局表现进行评估原因的句子。B符合这一特点,为什么要进行评估,因为“如果决策层是公司唯一逃避评估的成员的话,其他的员工会视之为不公平。”

第九题,前面说小公司会发现这种评估过程更容易操作。空格后面一个however,说大公司的决策层会认为评估是对他们地位的一种挑战。可见这个空格应该填入表示小公司愿意接受评估的句子。A符合这一特点:通常这些公司的决策层会很乐意接受批评,因为这可以防止他们犯错误。这里的such companies是个暗示,可以和前面的smaller companies对应上。


第十一题。第五段依然是讲评估的方法,具体的过程。空格的前面说主席可以单独会见董事局的每一个成员,或者是集体在一起谈话。空格后面说这些可以询问人们关于董事局主要任务以及委员会的工作进展情况的意见。ask for people’s opinion是个关键点,什么可以询问人们的观点?调查。选D,questionnaires是个关键的暗示:或者,也许可以给经理们分发调查问卷,形成未来讨论的基础。

第十二题,这一空前面说有调查显示对董事局成员进行评估的方法有所改善。空格后面来了一个疑问,提出没有人评估主席。可见第十二题有转折的意思,选E,有关键的连词however,而且E的one issue remains,正好对应最后一段最后一句话的一个问题。内容上也吻合。

bec商务英语答案 第7篇

Business Meetings

It is important that ideas and suggestions tabled at formal meeting are voiced at the (0) This is achieved by keeping to the (19) shown on the For example, there is no (20) discussing ideas to do with item six on the agenda when item two has not yet been (21) deviations from the agenda may (22) in confusion among the people at the meeting; they may also (23) concentration if they see something as

To make certain that the meeting proceeds in an orderly fashion, it is therefore useful to (24) some ground First, everyone will need to understand that they must (25) comments to the topic under The Chair can then encourage one person to speak at a (26) , so that any ideas offered can be discussed and (27) that person has finished, someone else can put (28) ideas and so If this procedure is adopted, the participants will be able to follow the various issues in a consistent manner, which will help with the decision-making (29) later It will also (30) the quiet people at meetings get a chance to (31) say, rather than just their more outspoken In (32) , it is often the quiet people at meetings who generate the best ideas, because they are in the (33) thinking before they

19 A structure B direction C order D arrangement

20 A point B worth C need D reason

21 A brought in B dealt with C catered for D taken off

22 A appear B produce C arise D result

23 A lose B fail C miss D drop

24 A form B establish C design D settle

25 A contain B reserve C check D restrict

26 A turn B time C moment D sequence

27A noted B written C regarded D remarked

28 A down B through C away D forward

29 A path B course C process D method

30 A ensure B secure C allow D permit

31 A give B make C have D put

32 A part B reality C contrast D case

33 A custom B routine C practice D habit

《Business Meeting》,商业会议。文章一共两段,第一段说开会要按照日程安排来进行,第二段说开会要尽量让大家发言,尤其是在会议上沉默寡言的人。

19题,这一题可能会选择arrangement。order和arrangement的中文意思也的确很相像。只有看英文的意思来进行理解。Order:A sequence or arrangement of successive 一系列连续事情的安排。因为这里的意思是保持日程表上的安排,日程表上的安排井井有条且有秩序,应该选择order,比arrangement更合适。

20题,there is no point in doing 做什么事情没有意义。

21题,目录2上的事情还没有处理就谈论日程表上的目录6是没有意义的。选dealt with。cater for是迎合的意思。

22题,这种偏差(指前面说的目录2没完就讨论目录6)会导致开会的人产生混乱。选result in,导致。

23题,如果他们认为什么是不相关的,就会注意力不集中。lose concentration是地道标准的说法,参考一个例句:I was absent minded and lose concentration very

24题,建立一些基本规则。地道的用法就是establish the rules。form rules是指表单规则,design rules是指设计规则。

25题,把自己的评论限制在讨论的话题之下。restrict to限制

26题,主席可以鼓励每个人分别说一会。重点在于理解词组at a time的含义:separately in the specified groups or numbers。看一个例句:He took the stairs two at a

27题,这里考察的是note一个不太常见的用法:to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a written record of it。正好和前面动词discuss相对应,而且做笔记这一点也符合会议的特点。不选remark,因为是开会,更多的是发言、讨论、记笔记,而不是评论。

28题,put forward: suggest, propose 提出。

29题,decision-making process,做决定的过程。


31题,拥有发言权。say在这里是发言权的意思,动词用have。参考牛津高阶词典上的例句:Can"t you keep quiet for a minute and let me have my say? / The judge usually has the final

have a say in: To have the right to express one"s opinion or cast a vote in a pending

Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do

32题,in reality在现实中。in contrast对比,in case万一。

33题,往往会上沉默的人能想出好点子,因为他们养成了开口前思考的习惯。in the habit of有什么习惯。固定搭配。

bec商务英语答案 第8篇

Trouble with Teamwork

Mary Owen examines the role and efficiency of teams

Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual Indeed, too much of the latter may suggest that the person concerned is not a "team player" - one of the more serious failings in the book of

The importance of being a team player is a side effect of the increasing interaction across departments and functional Instead of pushing reports, paperwork and decisions around the organisation, "teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues," says Steve Gardner, in his book Key Management He adds, "Globalisation has added a further dimension to Multinational teams now study policy decisions in the light of their impact on the local "

But is teamworking being overdone? "Some managers are on as many as seven or eight different teams", says Dr Cathy Bandy, a psychologist who recently ran a conference on the "They take up so much time that managers can"t get on with core " Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of There is also the danger of an unhealthy desire to keep the team going after the work has been "People feel the need to belong, and team membership can provide a kind of psychological "

The idea behind teamworking is that, when the right group of people is brought together, a "force" develops which is greater than the sum of their individual This is often true in sport, where good players can reach unexpected heights as members of an international However,few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a

"In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it", says Steve "Unfortunately, people focus instead on who the members of the team should be and what roles they are to play" Dr Bandy "There is always a danger that teams can turn into committees," she "In a lot of situations, one or two individuals would be much more "

So what makes a successful team? There are some general qualities that have been Steve Gardnerrecommends that in every team there should be someone who is good at researching ideas and another who is good at shooting down impractical There should be those who can resolve the tensions that naturally occur in a team and others who are focused on getting the job Also, providing a clear and achievable target at the outset is the best way of ensuring that the team will move on to greater

13 What point does the writer make about teamworking at the beginning of the article?

A It is the most successful form of

B It has changed the recruitment procedure in

C Well-run teams still allow individuals to demonstrate their

D Being a team player is now considered an essential management

14 According to the article, teamwork developed within companies as a response to

A modern office

B changing work

C a reduction in administrative

D the expansion of international

15 In the third paragraph, Dr Bandy suggests that

A many employees do not enjoy working in

B some managers are not very effective team

C some teams are created

D few teams are well

16 According to the writer, teamwork is more effective in the field of sport because the players

A know what they want to

B are more competitive by

C have more individual

D can be driven by national

17 Steve Gardner and Dr Bandy agree that when a business team is created people do not pay enough attention to

A the structure of the

B alternatives to the

C selecting the team

D directing the team"s

18 What is Steve Gardner"s advice on operating a successful team?

A Maintain a flexible approach to

B Allow personalities to develop within the

C Select people who fit naturally into certain

D Make every effort to avoid conflict between

《Trouble with Teamwork》,团队合作的麻烦。文章讲了团队的重要性和很多团队存在的问题,以及怎么样才能打造一个成功有效的团队。

第十三题,问文章开头作者针对团队合作做了什么论点。第一段是强调团队合作的重要性,太多的个人成果会显得这个人不是个合格的团队成员。选答案要理解第一句话的含义:Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual 招聘者说能够给出自己作为一个成功团队成员的例子的候选人同那些指出重要的个人成果的人具有同样重要的地位。言下之意,拥有团队成员的经历也很重要。所以选D,作为一个团队成员如今被视为必要的管理技巧。A、B、C都没有提到。

第十四题,问公司内部的团队合作是作为对什么的回应。也就是问团队合作的目的是什么,答案是第二段的这么一句:"teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues 团队提供了一个动态的会议场所,使得思想可以分享,技能可以更加仔细的对准重要的商业问题。这句里的dynamic meeting place可以对应于B段的changing work practice。

第十五题,问在第三段Dr Bandy暗示什么。答案是她的一句原话:Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of 形成团队然后开会成了它本身的终点,几乎不管目的是什么。也就是说很多团队的建立是没有意义的,多余的。选C,一些团队被不必要的创建了。

第十六题,问作者认为团队合作在体育领域里更有效的原因是什么。第四段讲当一群正确的人被组合到一起时会产生一种高于这些人个人能力的力量,在体育比赛里就是如此。这一题的答案是第四段的最后一句:few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a 。很少有企业能像赢得一场比赛一样有一系列清晰的目标,或者是对成功或失败有清晰的评判准则。也就是A选项所说的:知道他们想要实现什么。what they want to achieve可以对应于a set of objectives。

第十七题,问这两个人同意当一个商业团队被创立时人们没有把注意力放在什么上面。这一题要理解第五段的意思。第一句说In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it。在企业,每个人都必须很清楚挑战是什么以及团队是否是实现它的最好的办法。考虑团队是不是最好的办法,也就是说要考虑其他可能的途径,即B选项所说的团队的替代品(alternatives to the team),后面有句focus instead….人们却把注意力放在了其他的地方。从这些可以看出答案是B。

第十八题,问关于运作一个成功团队Steve Gardner的建议是什么。这题的答案是对最后一段的概括。答案是最后一段第三句recommend后面的一长串there…who,要有不同的人胜任不同的角色。归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。其他几个选项都没提到。

第二段有个地方值得解释下。Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork。


牛津词典的解释:an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing。

麦克米兰的解释:a part of a situation, especially when it influences the way you think about the situation。

Doing volunteer work has added a whole new dimension to my

常见搭配:an extra/added/additional/further dimension

bec商务英语答案 第9篇

Questions 1-7

Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the opposite

Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?

For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer

You will need to use some of these letters more than

1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the

2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently

3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits

4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing

5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance

6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of

7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest

The Stars of the Future

A Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow"s Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations"

B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership Unfortunately, with today"s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, "only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm". This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research

C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating "attraction centres". "We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers," said one Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in

D TLRG has concluded that a company"s HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace The next challenge will be to find a new generation of



B段讲了直属经理(line managers)对于发掘接班人的重要性(真是干什么都要从基层抓起),以及经理们的一些疑虑;

C段讲的是接班人问题对公司的重要性,并且应该让院线经理们明白这种重要性;转自:考试网 - []



bec商务英语答案 第10篇

Read the article below about the changing role of human resources

The best person for the job

Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose them have a vital role to

Employees are a company"s new ideas, its public face and its main Hiring the right people is therefore a significant factor in a company"s (0) G If the human resources department makes mistakes with hiring, keeping and dismissing staff, a business can disappear Many companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key to

Sarah Choi, Head of HR at Enco pic, believes that thinking commercially is a key quality in Every decision an HR manager makes needs to be relevant to advancing the (8) "s no longer the HR managers have to think more strategically these They continually need to think about the impact of their decisions on the bottom (9) For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department to advise on everything from the headcount to whether to proceed with an

Why do people go into HR in the first place? Choi has a ready I think most people in the profession are attracted by a long-term (10) happens in the company which isn"t affected by or doesn"t impact on its employees, so the HR department is a crucial part of any

Not all operational managers An informal survey of attitudes to HR departments that was carried out last year by a leading business journal received comments such as "What do they actually contribute?"(11) As Choi points out, salaries have never been higher and, in addition, HR managers often receive substantial annual

Despite the financial rewards, HR managers often feel undervalued, and this is a major reason for many leaving their (12), a lack of training and development is a more significant These days, good professional development opportunities are considered an essential part of an attractive package,Choi

A But rising levels of remuneration demonstrate that the profession"s growing importance is widely

B At one time, a professional qualification was required in order to progress to the top of

C Other departments and senior executives used to see HR managers as having a purely administrative

D Since it"s one of the few areas where you can see the whole operation, it can lead to an influential role on the

E Being seen as someone who just ticks off other people"s leave and sick days does not help build a sense of

F They therefore need to be competent in many aspects of a company"s

G On the other hand, recruiting the wrong staff can lead to

bec商务英语答案 第11篇

《Buffet Zone》,自助餐区域,在这篇文章里的意思应该是自助餐领域,讲的是一个在自助餐领域取得了惊人成绩的杰出女性创业的故事。这套题目不难,尤其比起第四辑的题目。文章本身有很清晰的故事发展脉络,选项和原文的对应也比较明显。文章的几个段落是按照时间先后、故事发生的先后进行的,很明确。第一段是总括,第二段是讲的创业起步阶段的一些困难以及应对困难的对策,第三段是公司好转后的办公室重置(relocation),第四、五段是公司的竞争情况,最后一段总结。

第八题,前面说一时冲动她买下了这个外卖餐馆(takeaway),事实上那个时候她对餐饮业一无所知。空格后面说的是这段时间很困难,但是对获得所需要的经验却是很有必要的。所以第八题的空格部分应该填入跟学习、积累经验有关的内容。D选型最吻合,It was a dramatic learning curve,这里的learning是关键词,很明显的答案信号。还有very small amounts of money were earned at first,at first也是关键词。

第九题,空格前面说large numbers of office workers wanting takeaway food for their lunches,大量的办公室员工需要外卖食品做午饭,这里的wanting是个很关键的词。空格后面话锋一转,说曾经一度5公里内有26家食品商店,但是经济转变了,一条街都空了(blocks started to become vacant)。从上下文来分析,第九空的内容应该和办公室员工的外卖需求有关,同时带有转折意思。C选项完全符合这一条件:但是这种需求是短暂的,不久,逐渐增长的竞争使得赢得利润变得更加困难。


第十一题,这一题才应该选B,前面说竞争对手给自己造成了很大的困扰。但是Robertson却不是那么容易屈服的人。后面说部分原因是这个,营业额翻倍了。所以中间应该也是填入对策。和竞争对手有关的,应该选B,B的particular是个关键词,rival company也很明显。

第十二题,前面说Robertson想收购一个竞争对手,但是没成功,结果人家公司自己破产倒闭了。后面来了一个many accepted,可以看出这中间应该填入的是人家公司破产后Robertson的一些举措。F满足这一条件:一听到这些,Robertson马上联系他们的客户并且提供了自己公司的服务。


1、buffet: a meal at which people serve themselves from a table and then stand or sit somewhere else to eat 自助餐


a、a restaurant that cooks and sells food that you take away and eat somewhere else 外卖餐馆

b、a meal that you buy at this type of restaurant 外卖的饭菜;外卖食物

3、in retrospect: thinking about a past event or situation, often with a different opinion of it from the one you had at the time 回顾

4、under-capitalised: (about a business) not having enough money (capital) to be able to operate normally, pay debts and grow 资金不足。

5、Instead, she studied accountancy after leaving university, and a steady if unspectacular professional path seemed

这个句子里if的用法比较少见,参见朗文的解释:used when adding one criticism of a person or thing that you generally like

Lunch was a grand if rather noisy


bec商务英语答案 第12篇

这篇文章的标题有些misleading,“The best people for the job”,还以为是招人的标准。其实这篇文章是关于Human resource的,所以还是要适当关注文章前的说明:the article below about the changing role of human resources 第八题,空格后面的“That"s no longer the case”是很重要的提示。由于空格前面一直在强调commercial和business,所以在空缺的地方应该是和另一个方面相关的内容。选项C的administrative role正好满足这个要求。前后文意思搭配在一起完全吻合。第九题,后面的for example的很关键,是对前面的补充说明。“For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department to advise on everything from the headcount to whether to proceed with an ”总裁希望人力资源经理对一切事情提出建议,从人数统计到是否进行收购。这种要求就需要人力资源经理具备很多才能。所以F的句子填在这里最合适。第十题,答案稍微不那么明显,不过D句中的an influential role可以和第十题的空格后的a crucial part相对应,算是答案信号。要从整体上把握第三段,这里认为HR manager 的影响是全局的、长期的,所以D句的“see the whole operation”符合情况。第十一题,理解前后文的意思,前面说过去的operational managers不那么认可HR manager的作用,后面指出HR managers挣得多,所以中间是转折的意思。A句的But是个信号,“上涨的薪酬水平意味着这个职位逐渐增加的重要性得到了广泛的认可。”意思和前后都吻合,所以是正确答案。第十二题,空格前说HR managers觉得自己的作用被低估了,所以leaving。空格后一个However,所以空格处应该还是和leaving有关的,为什么离职。E句的意思是“被视作仅仅对别人的离开和生病的日子划勾的人是没法帮助建立忠诚感的。”填入此处正好。

bec商务英语答案 第13篇

Human Resources Policy

CBA Bank was the largest financial institution to sign the employers" "People Come First" code of practice in the early In doing so, it committed itself to the highest (0) in human resources practices such as the communication of company(19) to employees, the setting of individual training and personal (20), and the holding of regular performance (21) for all

Like other organisations, CBA is replacing the traditional hierarchy with a flatter organisational structure which gives employees more broadly defined (22) the The change is offering employees greater opportunities for work in cross-disciplinary project As a result, interpersonal (23) are extremely

The policy seems to be There is a great deal of goodwill among employees, who (24) fact that customer satisfaction is the organisation"s chief CBA claims to pursue this aim for its own (25) , rather than as a means of earning profits for

An ability to relate to all kinds of people is the most important attribute CBA looks for in (26) Graduates are (27) for a two-year period and exposed to all (28) of retail financial By the end of this training period, they will have taken their Institute of Banking examination and, if they have (29) their performance targets, they will have (30) a job at the

"On the whole, we are not looking for people straight out of college," says human resources manager Maiy "We would prefer that they had (31) experience of life and had taken a year out between school and college to travel or do some kind of "

The company has recently introduced a new policy on pay, and it is now (32) performance through bonus schemes, with the objective being to (33) employees for their achievements and

19 A designs B purposes C ends D objectives

20 A continuation B extension C development D advancement

21 A reviews B trials C revisions D judgements

22 A capacities B parts C roles D elements

23 A abilities B talents C assets D skills

24 A recommend B honour C respect D obey

25A sake B reason C behalf D cause

26 A expected B intended C potential D eventual

27 A taken on B written in C put on D drawn in

28 A fields B areas C regions D parts

29 A arrived B done C passed D met

30 A secured B reached C confirmed D fixed

31 A gained B won C earned D realised

32 A attached B linked C combined D joined

33 A return B reward C recompense D refund

《Human Resource Policy》,人力资源政策。主要是讲的CBA银行的人力资源政策,。先简单介绍了这个银行的管理结构,是扁平化的组织结构(flatter organizational structure),而不是等级制公司(hierarchy)。总体原则是不招应届的刚出校门的毕业生,而要有一定的生活经验或者是工作经验。

第19、20、21题,这几空都是举例说明前面提到的human resources practices。19空是说的将公司的发展目标传达给员工。公司目标,用objective。purpose是指具体做某件事情的意图。这里有必要区分一下objective和purpose,看英文解释。

purpose: the reason you do something, and the thing you want to achieve when you do it

objective: something that you are working hard to achieve, especially in business or politics

第20题,个人培训和发展计划的制定。个人发展计划,personal development plans,选C。

第21题,定期的表现回顾。用review。hold在这个句子里是举行的意思。the holding of regular performance review,定期举行员工的表现回顾。

第22题,说扁平化的组织结构可以给员工更加定义广泛的角色。broadly defined roles,选C。

第23题,人际交往技巧是很重要的。interpersonal skills,是地道的说法。参见一个例句:you will need good interpersonal

第24题,这一句的意思很好理解,是说员工们越来越看重或者说是承认一个事实:顾客的满意是组织的主要目标。recommend是推荐、建议,后面不接the fact(事实),honour是敬重,obey是遵守,这里应该选择respect。respect这里是重视或者接受的意思,看英英词典上的解释:to accept that something which is established or formally agreed is right or important and not to attempt to change it or harm it。所以这一空应该选择respect the fact,表示接受这个事实。

第25题,CBA银行追求这个目的是为着自己的利益,而不是为股东挣利润的工具。for the sake of something 或for something"s sake:for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve 为了…目的;为了…的利益;为了。。。固定用法,选A。

第26题,寻找潜在的新成员。地道的词是potential,比如potential recruits, potential staff, potential

第27题,考察的是短语take on的一个用法,雇佣:If you take someone on, you employ them to do a ;write in:to write a letter to a newspaper, television company or other organization, to state an opinion or ask something以群众来信的形式表达的意见。


第29题,完成目标,met the targets。

第30题,完成了目标就可以得到工作。secure:to get possession of; acquire:

第31题,招的人已经具有了一定的生活经验。gain:to obtain something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time

eg: After you"ve gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a

第32题,薪酬现在和业绩挂钩。link to,联系。

第33题,reward 奖励某人。reward employees for their achievements and effort,因为功劳而奖励员工。

bec商务英语答案 第14篇

Dealing with Expenses

0 Most companies use forms or spreadsheets to process travel and entertainment

00 expenses As a result, it can be difficult to control over spending across the

34 organisation, and unfortunately when data often needs to be processed again and entered

35 into the firm"s other such accounting One solution is an automated expenses

36 management But if there are various measures you can implement to make

37 your existing procedures more Firstly, try ensure that all expenses claims are

38 independently been Who approves senior managers" claims, for example?

39 Don"t waste time for reviewing all expenses claims; only look in detail at a sample, but

40 regularly up date the firm"s expenses policy, and query with all claims that fall outside You

41 should also avoid duplicating effort; if line managers check expenses, there is little point

42 in the accounts department are doing You could try to cut down on cash advances and

43 corporate credit cards; making staff to use their own credit cards encourages them

44 to submit claims on It is also a good idea to identify and remind staff who do not

45 submit or approve claims Finally, aim to recharge every expenses to customers where your business model

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