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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-04-05 17:19:02



英语作文考试 第1篇

Dear Sue,

How are you doing?

I am writing this letter to say"thank " First and foremost, it is clear that you, just like"our foreign mother", were very patient to Additionally, needlessto say, you taught me a lot, not only English knowledge but also your lifewisdom ; consequently, all of us have fallen in love with English and but certainly not least, there is no doubt that we had a great timetogether, which we will keep in mind

By the way, I can"t wait to tell yousomething new about my After you left for the America, we had an We all did very well, using the knowledge you told No one candeny you helped us so much!

Sue, can you give me some informationabout your life in America? I miss you so I am looking forward to yourearly reply!

Best wishes!

Yours love /truly,

Li Hua

英语作文考试 第2篇

The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local

"Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage英亩数,面积would probably be devoted to athletic There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural "

This letter to the editor begins by stating the reasons the residents of Morganton voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped The letter states that the entire community could benefit from an undeveloped The residents of the town wanted to ensure that no shopping centers or houses would be built This, in turn, would provide everyone in the community with a valuable resource, a natural

The letter then continues by addressing the issue of building a school on the The author reasons that this would also benefit the entire community as a natural parkland since much of the land would be devoted to athletic The author of the letter comes to the conclusion that building a school on the land would be the best thing for everyone in the

This letter is a one-sided argument about the best use of the land known as Scott The author may be a parent whose child would benefit from a new school, a teacher who thinks a school would boost the community, or just a resident of Regardless of who the author is, there are many aspects of this plan that he or she has overlooked or chosen to

Using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for a natural While all the members of the community could potentially benefit from a parkland, only a percentage of the population would realistically benefit from a new The author fails to recognize people like the senior citizens of the What interest do they have in a new school? It only means higher taxes for them to They will likely never to and utilize the school for On the other hand, anyone can go to a park and enjoy the natural beauty and The use of the land for a school would destroy the benefit of a park for In turn, it would supply a school only to groups of people in exactly the right age range, not too young or too old, to reap the

Another point the author stresses is that the use of the land for things like athletic fields somehow rationalizes the destruction of the What about children who don"t play sports? Without the school, they could enjoy the land for A playing field is a playing Children are not going to go out there unless they are into There are many children in schools who are not interested in or are not able to play This is yet another group who will be left out of the grand benefits of a school that the author talks

The author"s conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than ""is easily The destruction of Scott Woods for the purpose of building a school would not only affect the ambience of Morganton, it would affect who would and would not be able to utilize the If the residents as a whole voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped state, this argument will not sway their The use of the land for a school will probably benefit even less people than a shopping center The whole purpose of the vote was to keep the land as an asset for The only way to do this is to keep it in an undeveloped Using the land for a school does not accomplish


This outstanding response begins somewhat hesitantly; the opening paragraphs summarize but do not immediately engage the However, the subsequent paragraphs target the central flaws in the argument and analyze them in almost microscopic

The writer"s main rebuttal points out that "using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for natural " Several subpoints develop this critique, offering perceptive reasons to counter the argument"s unsubstantiated This is linked to a related discussion that pointedly exposes another piece of faulty reasoning: that using land for athletic fields "rationalizes the destruction of the "

The extensively developed and organically organized analysis continues into a final paragraph that takes issue with the argument"s conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than "

Diction and syntax are varied and sophisticated, and the writer is fully in control of the standard While there may be stronger papers that merit a score of 6, this response demonstrates insightful analysis, cogent development, and mastery of It clearly earns a

英语作文考试 第3篇


spend one"s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;

go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);

see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);

play chess (basketball); have a swim;

have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;

do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one"s bike with (the park);

There are a lot of activities at (the beach).

We enjoy a change from our busy life in the

She would like to bring to the

It was a very relaxing

There are good programmes on TV on


Be getting on well with one"s study某人的学习越来越好

take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程

have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at …

put one"s heart into…专心于;致力于

be interested in …

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at …; be poor at …; do well in …; be weak in …

make progress in …; fail in …" be tired of …"

pass the examination; give a passing grade;

major in history 主修历史

He has the best record in 他的成绩最棒。

get a doctor"s degree 获得博士学位

be more interesting to

learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);

take an active part in …; learn… by heart;

work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in …;

get 90 marks for (English); get an “A” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in (language study)


get on well with sb; like to be with students;

be gentle with us; be kind to sb;

be a strict teacher; be strict with one"s pupils;

be strict in work

We think of him (her) as …; help sb with sth;

praise sb for sth …; blame sb for

give advice on …; question sb on …

be satisfied with …

correct the students" homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;

try to teach sb good study habits; make one"s lessons lively and interesting; teach ;

teach sb to do

devote all one"s time to work;

admire () his devotion to the cause of education


英语作文考试 第4篇

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary ofGlobal Mirror!

I’m a regular reader of your Ilike it so much that I hardly miss any

There are many advantages of Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that havehappened both home and Besides, the success stories of world-famouspeople are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from In aword, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with thechanging

As a young student, I wish that I can bea master of English Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror providearticles about English learning for

Finally, I hope that GlobalMirror will become more and more Thank you for your time!

英语作文考试 第5篇







英语作文考试 第6篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua from Class One, Senior Asfar as I am concerned, I believe to teach English for pupils from Chen Xi HopeSchool will be good for both the primary-school students and high-schoolstudent tutor, which thus will result in substantial social

I think I am qualified for being thepupils’ English coach, because I have good character, being independent in lifeand proficient in That’s why I apply for the position; I hope I canjoin the instructive

My plan for coaching the pupils is toteach them by listening, speaking, reading and What’s more importantis to stimulate their interests in learning English as a foreign language,creating a good learning I hope you can offer the

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

英语作文考试 第7篇

Dear Tom ,

How is it going these days? I keepwondering how you feel about your school life in Have you got used tothe life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you

Let me tell you a piece of goodnews: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle schoolstudents in July in the coming summer So I’m busy preparing for now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using properEnglish word to express my Besides, I really want to improve myspoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation (语调) . Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me

In addition, I’m going to visit you afterthe I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I canhardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early


Li Hua

英语作文考试 第8篇

Dear Sue,

I’m Li Hua, one of your students It’s almost a month since you left We all miss you and are verygrateful for what you did for

We are busy as We had an Englishspeech contest the other I won the first prize! This again reminds me ofall your kind Do you still remember the trees we planted together on thehill behind the school? Yesterday, we went there and watered The tree youplanted yourself is growing well, and the whole class decided to name it Will you come back to see Sue Wood?

How is everything with you lately? Wehope to know more about you and your American Hope to keep in

All the


Li Hua

英语作文考试 第9篇

The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local

"Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural "

The argument about Scott Woods being undeveloped land seem to be a well thought The community has thought long and hard about what they wanted to do with the They do not want any homes or shopping malls on the land because it would not benefit the community as a natural By building the school on the vacant land is not benfiting the community as natural parkland There would be the same type of construction and That is very contradictory in I think that the community would have to meet again and decide exactly was is best for this particular community and the children in the The presentation sounded so close and shut about what was going to be done about the land that it seemed usless for anybody to try to purchase it and do anything with the So if the Morganton community want something such as a school being built on the land that should have been what they voted on in the first They look very indecisive and even These are not very good ways to accomplish or do


The opening sentences of this limited response seem to agree with the argument, describing it as "well thought " However, the writer begins to construct a critique in the fourth sentence, identifying and briefly describing one flawed assumption: if the community members want to retain natural parkland, they will not be able to do so by building a school on that

This is the only analysis in the response, marking it as "plainly " The remaining five sentences fail to develop or add to this Some are tangential ("I think that the community would have to meet again???") and others are irrelevant ("They look very indecisive and even controlling").

The writing demonstrates limited language There are missing words, syntax errors, and several grammatical For these reasons, the essay earns the score of

gre 英语考试作文范文汇总相关

英语作文考试 第10篇




英语作文考试 第11篇


1、 词汇量过少,不只是阅读理解做不出来,是作文写得也过于苍白无力,错误不少。

2、 不会动脑筋,有些问题只是在原有的基础上增加了一点难度,便做不出来了。

3、 语法还应记得更加牢固,不可马虎,不仅要牢记笔记,还要灵活运用,学会举一反三。


英语作文考试 第12篇

The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local

"Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural "

The argument that the writer is trying to make contains several First of all, the writer needs to be clear on whether or not he or she wishes to keep Scott Woods in a "natural, undeveloped " To be natural and undeveloped suggest that Scott Woods is free from anything It has not been infected with man-made buildings of any The author suggests that the building of a school in Scoot Woods would preserve Morganton"s "natural parkland" by preventing the construction of shopping centers and Yet, the building of a school would prevent Morganton from preserving this natural parkland just as shopping centers and While the school may provide substantial acreage for athletic fields, it would be still contributing to pollution, the loss of vegetation and overall disruption to the natural ecosystem of Scott Consequently, the area would not be a "natural parkland" as the author

Furthermore, the author appeals to the sensitivity of the readers through his discussion on the children"s participation in He falsely states that the the children"s use of the athletic fields that the school would provide is the best way to utilize this natural Again, the author mistakingly feels that athletic fields constitute a natural Since the author continuously misuses the word "natural parkland," the validity of the letter is


After acknowledging that the argument "contains several flaws," this adequate response identifies a basic problem in the reasoning -- the letter writer"s ambivalence about the desirability of maintaining Scott Woods as natural and undeveloped The writer recognizes that the argument"s confused intentions are indirectly related to a root flaw in the argument: the assumption that construction of new buildings -- even school buildings -- would not impact the preservation of the Further, the writer does a competent job of explaining how both of these problems are the result of a lack of clarity about what constitutes a "natural "

Paragraph 2 identifies an additional weakness in the argument; the writer refuses to be taken in by the emotional appeal of a proposal that promises to benefit However, this critique is stated in a confusing way (".??燼ppeals to the sensitivity of the readers through his discussion on the children"s participation in sports") and is not sufficiently

The writer generally demonstrates adequate control of diction, syntax, grammar, and Ideas are conveyed clearly, if Some sentences, though, are awkwardly worded (, ".??爌reserving this natural parkland just as shopping centers and houses"). In sum, both the unevenly developed critique of the argument and the level of control of language warrant a score of

英语作文考试 第13篇

The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local

"Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural "

The author"s argument is Though he believes Scott Woods benefits the community as an undeveloped park, he also thinks a school should be built on Obviously the author is not aware of the development that comes with building a school besides the facilities devoted to learning or He does not realize that parking lots will take up a substantial area of property, especially if the school proposed is a high We are not given this information, nor the size of the student body that will be attending, nor the population of the city itself, so it is unclear whether the damage will be great or For a better argument, the author should consider questions like what sort of natural resources are present on the land that will not remain once the school is built? Are there endangered species whose homes will be lost? And what about digging up the land for water lines? It is doubtful whether the integrity of Scott Woods as natural parkland can be maintained once the land has been It is true that a school would probably not cause as much damage as a shopping center or housing development, but the author must consider whether the costs incurred in losing the park-like aspects of the property are worth developing it, when there could be another, more suitable He should also consider how the city will pay for the property, whether taxes will be raised to compensate for the expense or whether a shopping center will be built somewhere else to raise He has not given any strong reasons for the idea of building a school, including what kind of land the property is, whether it is swampland that will have to be drained or an arid, scrubby lot that will need extensive maintenance to keep up the athletic The author should also consider the opposition, such as the people without children who have no interest in more athletic He must do a better job of presenting his case, addressing each point named above, for if the land is as much a popular community resource as he implies, he will face a tough time gaining allies to change a park to a


After describing the argument as "weak," this strong response goes straight to the heart of the matter: building a school is not (as the argument seems to assume) innocuous; rather, it involves substantial The essay identifies several reasons to support this The writer then points to the important questions that must be answered before accepting the These address

-- the costs versus the benefits of developing Scott Woods

-- the impact of development on Scott Woods

-- the possibility of "another, more suitable site"

The generally thoughtful analysis notes still more flaws in the argument:

-- whether the school is necessary

-- whether the selected site is appropriate

-- whether some groups might oppose the plan

Although detailed and comprehensive, the writer"s critique is neither as fully developed nor as tightly organized as required for a 6 The response exhibits good control of language, although there is some awkward phrasing (, ".??爂aining allies to change a park to a school"). Overall, this essay warrants a score of 5 because it is well developed, clearly organized, and shows facility with


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