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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-04-02 16:57:02



托福口语真题 第1篇

Listening keys

() Main idea: two persuasion strategies that are used in advertising

() First: repetition

() Example: car ad, someone drives around, narrator keeps saying “plenty of room for everyone”.

The audience will think the car is big although it’s small

() Second: using celebraties

() Example: car ad, famous race car driver drives a slow car, people will think the car is pretty fast because people find famous people trustworthy and

托福口语真题 第2篇


The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and

A theater performance by the student actors

A concert provided by professional musician

A lecture from a professor


Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?

托福独立口语答题范例:I agree that friendships can be maintained in the presence of True friends should not only support each other, but also challenge each When we disagree with our friends on something, as long as it’s not about strict moral principles, we open our minds to different ways of For example, last week I had an argument with a good friend about playing video I didn’t like video games at all, but he gave me a few good reasons why video games are good for our brains and I still don’t like video games, but I get what he was saying and stop judging Plus true friendships only become stronger in the face of challenges, so not only can we maintain our friendship in times of disagreement but we also improve


阅读标题:Create a Student Magazine

Students spend a lot of time on their paper, and some of them have high So we need a magazine to publish those good quality

Publish students’ paper can share information about their academic achievement and provide them confidence


原因1:There is a lot of paper, we can select some of them to publish on a This will be an encouragement for the

原因2:Other students will be able to find useful material from these paper and they can learn how to organize their own


阅读标题:Life Stage of Animal Migration

定义:In different life stages, some animal need to migrate to various places to live, because of the deity and When they are young, they may safe and have enough food in the original However, if they grow older, the original place may have threads from the predators and the food may be

听力例子:Anglerfish lay eggs in deep Then, the eggs will float to the surface of the sea, where the younger Anglerfish can enjoy enough food and But when they grow older, they predator will be a great threat to them, so they will migrate to the deep


问题:The girl moved to a new apartment, and the window glass was broken when her friend help her hanging a picture to the They need to replace the glass, but it is

解决方案1:Her friend and she share the cost of window

优点1:it is not much money if they share the Only 50 dollar

缺点1:Her friend came to help her and does not break it She feels it’s unfair for her

解决方案2:She will cover the whole

优点2:it will be fair for her friend and she will feel

缺点2:100 dollar is expensive for


话题:Business Networks

要点1:We are in a business Different people engage in various They have different knowledge and

例子1:A woman running a restaurant may have friends or customers engaged in various When she needs an accountant, she will find one from her business She will trust more on the accountant whom she knew than those she does not

In a business network, we not only trust the people from our own networks, we also trust the persons who are recommended by the people we

The women will introduce one of her friends to another, who may need the professional help but does not know a person in his/her own

托福口语真题 第3篇

Describe a place you have never been to but like to go

I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I had a It"s a lovely country, made up two It is very lush(青葱的) and green because it rains a lot I would do a lot of different things and one thing I would definitely do is to swim with the One of my friends ever did it, which she said was very At first, she was only brave enough to pat them and then she got braver and held on to one"s fin while it took her for a They moved very quickly and gracefully through the water and it was fascinating(棒极了)。

So the place for a trip would be New Zealand! I‘d like to go to Japan if I have a the Fuji mountain is one of my dreams, you know the peak covered with snow stands there erectly stretching up to the sky ,it is just The beautiful scenery of the countryside and the modern amenities in the cities are both attractive to ’s more, I am very interested in Japanese history and If I could go there I could deepen my understanding of addition, Japanese girls are very soft and tender which sounds fascinating to I am really eager to make friends with them and maybe I could find a charming girl

托福口语真题 第4篇


低分的现状主要是由练习量少和方法不得当所导致,很多中国学生对于口语练习有误区,片面追求发音,却长期忽略表达内容的逻辑和语法词汇的重要性。与之对比的是另一个亚洲国家的托福考生,印度。这是个神奇的国度,发音彪悍的印度学生的托福口语平均分自20XX年ETS(托福主考机构)在全球开展托福口语机考以来,一直稳定保持23分。这足以证明,托福口语真正考察的是学生语言实际使用能力,换而言之,是信息传递(get message across )的能力。


随着教学经验的逐渐丰富,我慢慢发现,托福口语的提升并不是培训界的斯芬达克斯之谜。针对每位学员的不同情况,设定学习进度和内容,对薄弱环节进行刻意练习(deliberate practice),在培训后,具有正常英文水平的中国学生,很容易达到23-24分。培训内容包括较充分的独立话题(Task 1 )语料准备,以及综合题环节(Task2-4)记笔记和复述策略(由于我获得人事部二级口译资格认证,有效记录笔记和筛选信息是课堂教学的主要内容)。而如果学生本身就善于模仿,声音条件佳,平时就喜欢口语交流,以听英文歌、看美剧,和老外交流为享受,语音语调比较地道、漂亮,再加上老师的引导和完善做题理念的学习,冲刺27加,也司空见惯。所以,高分没有捷径,只有方法。只要方法得当,口语达标和高分其实并不难。

回想到我自己选择教授托福口语的初心,或者说通过我的工作,更希望达到的是教学目标是,学生能基于口语备考和申请单科分数线达标的压力,爱上口语,将口语练习做为输出自己思维和观点,向世界传达中国学生声音的工具,改变哑巴英文、无法和native speaker(说母语者)对较深入话题进行探讨和沟通、无法有效表达真实想法、甚至为了45秒独立题的fluency (流利度) 被迫在考试中over-simply(过度简单化)自己观点。而口语蒙混过关的后果是,就算勉强出了国,在美国的课堂上不敢张嘴,不仅会影响你的学分(课堂发言占到期末成绩的30%,比期中考试还多),被老师认为你的学习态度不端正;课下无法和同学积极互动,迷之沉默,也很容易陷入到被同学们逐渐边缘化的的尴尬窘境。



从大方向上看,托福口语的四道题可以分为独立和综合两个类型(Task 1为独立题,Task 234为综合题)。在评分时,考生的答题录音会在经过数码降噪处理后被自动分为三组,即独立任务(第一组)、校园任务(第二组)和学术任务(第三组);再由经过认证的评分人分别对考生三组任务的录音进行评测,每道题的评分等级由低到高分别用weak,limited,fair和good来标识,最后六道题的总分将被转换为0~30分的标准分,而考生三组题目的最终得分等级,也会标示在电子成绩单上(score report)。

关于评分,托福官方指南OG里面明确指出,托福口语6大任务的3项评分准则包括:delivery, language use and topic development, 简单的说,即综合考察考生的表述能力、语言使用能力和话题展开能力,这三项考核并无优先等级,各占三分之一的比重。所以,尽量做到扬长避短,避重就轻就很重要。比如,你的发音不够完美,可以用话题展开和语法、词汇来弥补,而如果你的语法差,但语音语调好,只需要充分发挥这方面优势,并注意逻辑,细节和话题拓展,也同样可以达到不错的分值。

托福口语真题 第5篇



Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why?


Suppose my friend Philip will move to a school and is worried about making new friends there, I would recommend that he should join a book club since he loves reading novels all the It will be quite easy to break the ice if Philip and members of the club share some interest in, say, the new Harry Potter They can have discussions over a cup of coffee about the highlights in the book and its relevance to the first seven While Philip expresses how thrilled he is when he reads the book, other members of the club can relate to the Naturally, Philip can make some new friends at the new


Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed Which way do you prefer? Why?


Many people prefer to read books in electronic books on their laptops, tablets or However, I prefer to read paper printed copies when it comes to best-selling You can call me a nerd, but when the new Harry Potter book came out, I was really thrilled to have one more chance to enjoy the adventures in the world of When the first seven books were introduced in my country, paper printed copies were what I It would feel so wrong if I read the eighth book on my tablet or other electronic I just love the feeling of turning the pages with my fingers and the new book is such a



标题: Research Thesis Presentation

原因1:学生可以gather wider range of topics and ideas by reading others" thesis

原因 2:虽然论文通常很长很复杂,但是他们可以给别人看提纲和重点节选。




原因2:论文通常很复杂很长,节选或提纲只能让别人有一个片面的认识,不能看到the whole


Students are supposed to make a presentation on their research theses to gather a wider range of topics and ideas by reading others ‘ Although their theses are often long and complicated, students can give outlines and highlights of their The woman/man finds the plan Firstly, the students in this university can have other ways to get information for their They can get more information on the website of the university so that they can know a wider range of topics for academic Secondly, the theses are too long and too complicated for students to Outlines and highlights can only give students a partial picture rather than a whole picture of the arguments in the



标題:Peak-End Rules

定义:与传统的将广告放到电视、报考、杂志上不同,ambient 人们在回忆过去的经历时通常只会回忆起记忆最深刻和发生在最后的事情。


例子: 教授去旅游前几天天气很不好,只能在室内读书,看电视。后来天气变好了,他们出海去航行,看到很美妙的风景,看到成群的鲨鱼,特别棒的体验。后来几天就很普通,在沙滩上看书和放松。旅行结束时参加了一个party,认识了一个来自同一个地方的人。当他的同事问他这次旅行,他只提到第二段出海和最后party认识一个新朋友的。而没有提到别的。


The professor uses his personal experience to illustrate the concept of peak-end rules which means that people only remember the most intense part and the ending segment of any At the beginning of the vacation the weather was a bit nasty and the professor had to stay in his hotel room, reading books and watching When the weather cleared up, the professor and others sailed on the The scenery was breath-taking and the sharks swam in groups, which gave the professor great In the following days, nothing extraordinary The professor just read books and chilled on the At the end of the vacation, the professor went to a party at which he met a person who came from his When his coworkers asked him about the vacation, the professor only remembered the sailing trip and the party, the most intense and the ending segment of the


问題: 作为head-editors,男生遇到的问题是有一个news reporter always makes mistakes about the facts。有一次搞错一个教授的教龄和背景,之后还继续犯错。

解决方案1:give him other assignments, such as comment on movies and campus

缺点1:这个reporter喜欢news reports




The male student is a head editor and one of his news reporters always makes mistakes about the facts, such as the working experience and educational background of a I recommend that the student should give the reporter other assignments rather than check his articles for the The reporter may show great enthusiasm in news reports; however, he will work even harder if the head editor assigns other tasks to It is possible that the reporter can learn to be detail-oriented when he finds that basic facts in movies and campus issues are Besides, the editor already has a lot on his plate and does not have time to check the possible errors for the Even if he finds time to do this, the reporter will not have the opportunity to grow as a qualified news



要点1:Grasp and hold to the branches


要点2 :准确测量树枝与树枝的距离

例子2:有时候从一个树枝到另一个树枝比较远,需要swing to other branches 而不能run,所以需要准确测量距离,以便能够跳跃过去。


Some primates living on trees have two adaptations to avoid falling from the The first adaptation is to grasp and hold onto the branches of the trees on which they Some primates use their tails to wrap around the branches so tightly that it is almost impossible for them to fall from the tree if they are careful with their movements on the Another adaptation is to measure in accuracy the distance between When there is a wider distance between the branch the primates are standing and the other branch, it makes more sense if the primates swing rather than run to their Under this circumstance, the primates measure the distance accurately in order to swing to the other These are the adaptations some primates make to avoid falling from

托福口语真题 第6篇

I strongly disagree with the statement that studying math or science is more important than studying art or First of all, studying art and literature can help children to express their feelings It’s very relaxing to paint a picture or to write a short story, I find it very calming to create some sort of art when I’m stressed Also, The Arts can be a wonderful career for those who have the talent to draw And for those without the talent, it can be a wonderful way to spend time with your family, or decorate your

托福口语真题 第7篇

I believe choosing subjects from different fields is the way to First of all, it will broaden a student’s horizon and knowledge Not only I get to learn different things from a variety of courses, most importantly, I can gain other perspectives in doing I will be able to think differently and can use many approaches toward the same Second, it’s interesting to take courses from other I get to meet a lot of students from other majors and talk to It’s great when I can have many types of It would be very boring if I’m surrounded only by the people in my major all the

托福口语真题 第8篇

面对这些问题,考生应该怎么办?首先,我们需要没话找话。这个时候没话找话,考生就需要万能理由。相信大家多多少少都有听说过什么是万能理由。考生们也可以自己发散思维想想。方便、健康。这些理由,不仅是口语,写作也能用到。大家一起来看看提出的12个万能理由都有哪些。Efficiency、 Convenient、Save Money、Protect Environment、Socialize、Healthy、Good for studying、Relax、Broaden Horizon、Entertainment、Meaningful、make friends。基本上,考生们遇到的形形色色的题目都可以套用这12个万能理由。


比如,Efficiency的用法。Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class。Students have lots of classes and schoolwork to do。他们没时间去吃饭,所以如果让在教室里吃饭就会节省时间,大大提高我们的学习效率了。improve their study 我们学习的效率。所以说,我们在遇到这种关于学生的题,我们说学习的效率,关于工作的题我们说工作的效率,关于政府的我们可以提到交通的效率。

托福口语真题 第9篇

The professor talks about two strategies that are used in TV ads that will make them more One strategy is repetition, when people hear something often enough, the message becomes Take a car ad for example, the narrator says “plenty of room for everyone” for many times, although the car is small, eventually people will start to think that the car is fairly The second strategy is using a celebrity to advertise a product because people tend to believe someone A race car driver who says “I like my car fast!” might actually make people think the car in the ad to be pretty fast, because we find them

托福口语真题 第10篇

Which of the following background do you think is most needed to be a government leader?




Please include details and examples in your response





托福口语真题 第11篇

Now listen to part of a lecture in a Psychology The professor is discussing


Professor (female)

In advertising various strategies are used to persuade people to buy In order to sell more products, advertisers will often try to make us believe that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if it’s not The strategies that they use can be subtle, friendly forms of persuasion that are sometimes hard to

In a lot of ads, repetition is a key Research shows that repeated exposure to a message, even something meaningless or untrue, is enough to make people accept it or see it in a positive You’ve all seen the car commercials on TV like, uh, the one that refers to its roomy cars over and over You know which one I

This guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different He picks up three or four And each time, the narrator says, “Plenty of room for friends, plenty of room for family, plenty of room for ” The same message is repeated several times in the course of the Now the car, the car actually looks kind of small, it’s not a big car at all, but you get the sense that it’s pretty You’d think the viewer would reach the logical conclusion that the slogan miss-represents the product, instead, what usually happens is that when the statement "plenty of room" is repeated often enough, people are actually convinced it’s

Um, another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a It turns out that we’re more likely to accept an advertisement claim made by somebody famous, a person we admire and find We tend to think they’re So, uh, you might have a car commercial that features a well-known race car Now, it may not be a very fast car, uh, it could even be an inexpensive vehicle with a low performance But if a popular race car driver is shown driving it and saying, “I like my cars fast!” Then people would believe the car is impressive with its

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