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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-03-23 16:38:02



2022英语四级真题 第1篇

Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180





The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly Consequently ,people are getting more opportunities to speak or meet another language but their own mother tongue with the development of the Undoubtedly , an app of translation is crucial for people who cannot handle the language But the viewpoints are split one whether this kind of apps are wholly a good

Where there is a light , there is a Some people argue that a translation app will bridge them with the native speakers adequately no matter who will be a traveler or a It will pose a huge threat for people who can not understand what they Fortunately , everyone will interact richly with the apps like On the other hand, some people think that the translations app cannot fully create and convey the feelings on the authentic As a result , it will bring more Besides, the opponents take the point of view that people will be more over-reliant on the mobile-phones and

Form where I stand , I would take the the translation on this kind of apps as a reference rather than a kind of The most effective and beneficial way to express yourself and communicate with a foreigner is to improve one’s ability to exert this unfamiliar As an old saying goes is Practice makes








In China, hotpot has got a history more than 20XX It became popular among several chillest areas and it spread to many other place Naturally , hotpot got more diverse form with the local When eating hotpot, people get together to sit around a dining-table and the steaming hotpot will be in the middle on People can choose their favorite food such as meat, seafoods, vegetables and other side dishes to cook Diners will chat with each other deeply and enjoy the delicious




get together:在英文书面表达和口语中十分地道;


但作为四级必背词汇,steam 是需牢记的;



Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just

News Report 1

… parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday, " this is what he said to The orange warning may be raised to red in some That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in The orange warning has been extended until 6 on Trains, planes and ferries are also likely to be affected, with wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as -15℃. The head of road policing said, "I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their Drivers should make sure they are prepared for their journey with warm clothing, food and drink, sufficient fuel and a charged mobile There could be significant traffic delays, so please start to plan your journey now to consider if you really need to travel on conditions of this …

Questions 1 to 2 are based on the passage you have just

Question 1: What were people at parts of Scotland advised to do?

Question 2: What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?

News Report 2

Romania"s wetlands are coming back to life, thanks to help from local communities, the World Wildlife Fund and funding from the European Roughly 2,224 acres of the picturesque Danube Delta – home to 300 species of birds – have filled with The land has been connected to the network of lakes and streams in the "A lot of birds have migrated to the area and one doesn"t need to travel long hours anymore or go to other lakes to watch the birds, " says Ion Meuta, Deputy Mayor of The area around Mahmudia, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the third-most biodiverse in the world, after Australia"s Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the Government officials proposed to protect the area"s endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next

Questions 3 to 4 are based on the passage you have just

Question3: What is the news report mainly about?

Question4: What did government"s officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?

News Report 3

Scott Dunn, recently awoke from a medically-induced sleep he"d been in after a car He was heartbroken after realizing he"d missed his high school His classmates decided to give him a second It was just a month ago that East Juniata High School seniors met in the school"s auditorium for And last week, they did it Scott"s car accident was on May 22nd, just 3 days before the "I remember waking up in the hospital and asking mom, "What day it was", she told me it was the " He said, "I looked at her and said, ‘I missed my " The school"s principal, Fausey, called Scott"s mom Karen and said that everybody wants to do something special for Students wore their caps and gowns and sat in the front of the Scott"s parents, Karen and Scott Senior, sat front and After brief speeches, Scott"s name was called, only Scott"s He walked across the stage as the audience A graduation for "I"m speechless," Scott "I don’t know how to even explain I"m speechless to know that so many people are behind "

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the passage you have just

Question5: What happened to Scot a month ago?

Question6: What did Scot ask about when he regained consciousness?

Question7: Why was Scot speechless at the graduation ceremony?

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long At the end of each conversation, you will hear some Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the

Conversation One

M:How do you like your new flexible work in arrangement? Do you enjoy working from home?

W:Yes and no, I find an isolation challenging at times, apart from my mother, not too many people I know, have time for phone chat during working I tried the library but found I wasn’t really keen on working

M:No, neither would I find the library a bit too I’d lack inspiration or stimulation, which would be counter-productive to getting a lot of work

W:I found the same So, lately, I’ve been going out to Cafes occasionally, I love the noise, the people, the busyness of a Café, the sense of being out in the

M: Coffee shops seem to have affectively become off spaces for so many people in this digital Though I’m not sure how Café owners feel about it - having so many people who go to that places to work rather than drink and

W:Yes, some people seem to spend a lot of time there and not order The most annoying one for Café owners must truly be those, usually only two of them, who occupy a table for six with their laptops and

M:They should sit at a table for two, not the table for Some obviously stay so long, they need to plug the laptops into a power I nearly tripped over someone’s computer electrical lead the other day in my local café.

W:It’s a double-edged sword, no doubt about that, for a Café While remote workers help to keep the café full in quiet times, they can take up valuable table space and busy

Questions 10 to 11 are based on the passage you have just

What does the woman say is the disadvantage of working from home?

What does the man say is counter-productive to getting work done in the library?

What does the woman like about doing one’s work in a café?

What is most annoying for café owners according to the woman?

Conversation Two

W: I’m going to start working for another I can’t see myself getting an opportunity to progress on my company anytime in the near And I really think my skills and abilities deserve a higher

M: You are not going to quit, are you?

W: I’m thinking I might as Then I can devote more time and energy to find me a better position at another

M: But you’ve been in your present company less than two years, haven’t you? This would be the third time you’ve left your job in the last five If you do several jobs in a relatively short span of time, perspective employers might see that you lack That could make them worry and reluctant to employ

W: Unfortunately, loyalty doesn’t Even if I get a promotion at my company, it’s likely to be less sizeable than if I were to get a job And even if I get a promotion, I’m not guaranteed to get a I had that experience at another company I worked

M: They want you to take on more work and responsibility but for the same amount of money?

W: More or less, The way I see it, through having different jobs, I’ve got a lot of experience, and different jobs and in different

M: But potential employers might worry about that experience is not deep, or thorough

W: Perhaps, but I feel pretty confident that I can sell You know what they say, fortune favors the

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just

Question12: What makes the woman think about changing her job?

Question13: What does the man say about people who keep changing their jobs?

Question14: What does the woman say would happen even if she got promoted in her current company?

Question15: What benefit has the woman gain from changing her jobs frequently?

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three At the end of each passage, you will hear some Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a ques- tion, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Passage One

There is a saying that goes something along the lines of ‘You must love yourself first before you can love someone ’ Similarly, I personally believe that you must be comfortable and happy in your own company before you can truly be yourself in the company of There is a massive difference between being lonely and being Loneliness is a horrible However, you don’t have to actually be alone to feel that Many times, I’ve felt lonely when surrounded by a big group of In contrast, being alone can actually be a blessing, particularly, when you’ve actively chosen In my experience, being bored and alone is dangerous and can easily lead to the feeling of The trick is to be Get outside, stretch your legs, do something cultural, buy yourself something tasty to eat or something pretty to You don’t have to take anyone else into consideration and can do whatever you Spending time alone also allows you to more efficiently take care of And then, when it’s time to be social and meet up with your friends, you will be fully there, because you won’t have too much other stuff floating around in your Having been alone for a bit, you will also appreciate your friends’ company more and chances are your time spent together will be more

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just

Question 16: What does the speaker say about being alone?

Question 17: What does the speaker say how to reduce one’s feeling of loneliness?

Question 18: What is an advantage of spending one’s time alone?

Passage Two

When I turned twelve, I worked summers at my father’s small brick cleaning I remember the harsh acid smell of the cleaning solution, and the scraping sound of stiff iron brushes against rough It was tempting to have your job just But anybody who worked for Thomas Kahoon had to meet his standards, and that include of If I messed up, he made me stay late until I got it

My father wasn’t been He demanded the same at Every brick he cleaned on the house stood out like a red jewel in a white It was his

In 1970, when I was twenty, I got I moved out my parent"s modest place into a housing

Drugs and gang violent were just beginning to plague the

Some of my friend went to Some were My wife Verllen, was 18, and nobody gave our marriage a But we believed in each And our faith made us

When we married, I worked as a stock clerk at Southwest Super It was hard, tedious Each Friday night a truck came, with cases of food that had to be unloaded, priced and placed on

Most of stock clerks try to get Friday night But I was always ready to By Saturday morning, all the kinds and drawers in my aisle would place with a label facing smartly out, like a line of soldiers on That was my I took pride in a job nobody

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just

Question What do we learn about the speaker’s father?

Question What does the speak say about the housing project?

Question What do we learn about the speaker as a stock clerk?

Passage Three

Watching more than 3 hours of television a day doubles memory loss in older people, a new study of more than 3,000 adults Scientist at University College London used memory and fluency tests on the same group of people 6 years They found that those who watched on average less than 3 hours television a day showed a decline ever round 4 to 5 percent, while those who tended to watch more than 3 hours a day declined by an average of 8 to 10 The research team say they believe the alert but passive nature of television watching maybe creating stress on the mind, which contributes to memory

Older people who watch more television are also less likely to undertake activities knowing to preserve mental functioning, such as reading or interactive screen base pursuits, such as using the internet or playing video The researchers say that television viewing maybe a risk factor for all Alzheimer’s disease, but more researches needed to establish a

While watching television may have educational benefits and relaxation benefits, the researchers advise that adults over the age of 50 should try and ensure that television viewing is balanced with other contrasting If you’re concerned that the amount of television you’re watching could have a negative impact on your health, you should eliminate the amount of TV watch each day and undertake some healthy

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just

By what means does scientist at University College London measure memory lost?

What contributed to memory decline in the participants?

What did the researchers say about their finding concerning the link between TV viewing and _x this disease?

What do the researchers suggest older people do?

… parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday, " this is what he said to The orange warning may be raised to red in some That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in The orange warning has been extended until 6 on Trains, planes and ferries are also likely to be affected, with wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as -15℃. The head of road policing said, "I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their Drivers should make sure they are prepared for their journey with warm clothing, food and drink, sufficient fuel and a charged mobile There could be significant traffic delays, so please start to plan your journey now to consider if you really need to travel on conditions of this …

Question 1: What were people at parts of Scotland advised to do?

Question 2: What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the Read the passage through carefully before making your Each choice in the bank is identified by a Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the You may not use any of the words in the bank more than

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following

“Science and everyday life cannot and should not be " Those were the words uttered by pioneering British scientist Rosalind Franklin, who firmly believed that the pursuit of science should be (26)to

As a woman working in the first half of the 20th century, Franklin’.s contributions to some of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time - including the structure of DNA - were sadly(27) in her One of my proudest moments in my role as universities and science minister was being able to go some way to redress this injustice last month, by unveiling the new Mars rover named after this brilliant British

Today, on International Women’ s Day, it is only right that we recognize the important work of female scientists like Franklin and seek to honour her memory by inspiring more women and girls to follow in her

More than 60 years after Franklin’ s death, we are (28) living in a different world, where women play an important part in every echelon of our society-not least in science, innovation, higher education and

UK universities are world leaders when it comes to advancing and (29) gender The Athena SWAN charter, initially established to improve the representation of women in scientific disciplines in higher education, now has 145 It has also expanded to promote gender equality in multiple disciplines-including the arts, social sciences, humanities, business and

In the past decade, we have seen a(30) increase in England in the number of women accepted on to full-time undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem subjects). And in the last academic year, women (31) for more than half of all Stem postgraduates at UK The government is taking further steps to improve women’ s representation in science and has today awarded nine inspiring women ?50,000 to develop inventions to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities we face as a From new materials to cut down on plastics pollution to special devices to improve posture and comfort for wheelchair users, these women are at the forefront of creating the new technology for

This is significant progress, but access to higher education is only half of the To have real equality in the sector, we need to ensure talented women are able to progress into the academic and leadership roles they desire, and get the remuneration they shows us the (32) to success gets harder for women to climb the further up they

Although women make up the majority of undergraduates in our universities, just under half of academic staff are At (33) levels, only a quarter of professors are women, and black women make up less than 2% of all female academic

I welcome the introduction of pro-active strategies like the new initiative at the University of

Leicester, which I am visiting today, to increase the number of female professors by % each year,with the overall goal of having 30% professorships held by women by

There are also stark differences in pay across The gender pay gap based on median salaries across the sector in 20XX-17 was %, (34) there is still some way to go to ensure women are rising through the ranks to higher grade positions and being paid (35) .


A) accessible

J) overlooked

O) thankfully

K) promoting

E) considerable

B) accounted

G) ladder

L) senior

N) suggesting

D) appropriately

2022英语四级真题 第2篇

Questions 5 and 7 are based on the news report you have just

News Report 3

Scott Dunn, recently awoke from a medically-induced sleep he"d been in after a car He was heartbroken after realizing he"d missed his high school His classmates decided to give him a second It was just a month ago that East Juniata High School seniors met in the school"s auditorium for And last week, they did it Scott"s car accident was on May 22nd, just 3 days before the "I remember waking up in the hospital and asking mom, "What day it was", she told me it was the " He said, "I looked at her and said, ‘I missed my " The school"s principal, Fausey, called Scott"s mom Karen and said that everybody wants to do something special for Students wore their caps and gowns and sat in the front of the Scott"s parents, Karen and Scott Senior, sat front and After brief speeches, Scott"s name was called, only Scott"s He walked across the stage as the audience A graduation for "I"m speechless," Scott "I don’t know how to even explain I"m speechless to know that so many people are behind "

Question 5: What happened to Scot a month ago?

Question 6: What did Scot ask about when he regained consciousness?

Question 7: Why was Scot speechless at the graduation ceremony?

2022英语四级真题 第3篇


准备四级考试各种资料书,比如,词汇书,真题库,练习题等等。第一轮学习 不必开始做真题或是整套的练习题,而是从词汇,听力,阅读单项开始复习。每天坚持背50个词汇,早上记忆,中午复习,晚上巩固,第二天在复习。每天坚持如此。挑选词汇书,不能挑太厚的,这样携带不方便。最好是小巧的厚薄适中的词汇书,不但易于携带而且容易背完,有成就感。










譬如作文,可以复习这学期以来积累的各种词句,写作手法,常用的单词,模板。每天仍坚持写一篇作文,然后对照范文,看自己是否写的合适主旨,是否跑题以及语法错误等等。熟悉各种作文试题的类型,例如议论文,记叙文。如果是议论文你擅长的论证方法是哪种,为此积累了哪些词句,争取在拿到试题时,可以快速列好写作提纲和全篇的布局。阅读题:总结出题规律,做题节凑,试题的方向。一般阅读题的做题方法是先迅速审题,划出题眼,然后快速在文章中锁定答案区域,找到正确选项。听力题:对于听力题目,要早发卷后快速浏览试题,力求对听力播放的内容有一点了解。听力时,注意题目中对话出现过的关键词,通常答案就是那里。如果是一个人自述,就是注意他说话时的起承转合,比如 and, but, however等等。

翻译题; 翻译题的话,只要平时单词备好,语法有认真学习并掌握的话基本不会有太大问题。就是做题时,注意书面整洁,不要在不确定时就下笔,然后发现翻译不合适就花掉。这样就会卷面很不整洁,容易被扣分。

2022英语四级真题 第4篇

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long At the end of each conversation, you will hear some Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just

Conversation One

M:How do you like your new flexible work in arrangement? Do you enjoy working from home?

W:Yes and no, I find an isolation challenging at times, apart from my mother, not too many people I know, have time for phone chat during working I tried the library but found I wasn’t really keen on working

M:No, neither would I find the library a bit too I’d lack inspiration or stimulation, which would be counter-productive to getting a lot of work

W:I found the same So, lately, I’ve been going out to Cafes occasionally, I love the noise, the people, the busyness of a Café, the sense of being out in the

M: Coffee shops seem to have affectively become off spaces for so many people in this digital Though I’m not sure how Café owners feel about it - having so many people who go to that places to work rather than drink and

W:Yes, some people seem to spend a lot of time there and not order The most annoying one for Café owners must truly be those, usually only two of them, who occupy a table for six with their laptops and

M:They should sit at a table for two, not the table for Some obviously stay so long, they need to plug the laptops into a power I nearly tripped over someone’s computer electrical lead the other day in my local café.

W:It’s a double-edged sword, no doubt about that, for a Café While remote workers help to keep the café full in quiet times, they can take up valuable table space and busy

Questions 10 to 11 are based on the passage you have just

What does the woman say is the disadvantage of working from home?

What does the man say is counter-productive to getting work done in the library?

What does the woman like about doing one’s work in a café?

What is most annoying for café owners according to the woman?

Conversation Two

W: I’m going to start working for another I can’t see myself getting an opportunity to progress on my company anytime in the near And I really think my skills and abilities deserve a higher

M: You are not going to quit, are you?

W: I’m thinking I might as Then I can devote more time and energy to find me a better position at another

M: But you’ve been in your present company less than two years, haven’t you? This would be the third time you’ve left your job in the last five If you do several jobs in a relatively short span of time, perspective employers might see that you lack That could make them worry and reluctant to employ

W: Unfortunately, loyalty doesn’t Even if I get a promotion at my company, it’s likely to be less sizeable than if I were to get a job And even if I get a promotion, I’m not guaranteed to get a I had that experience at another company I worked

M: They want you to take on more work and responsibility but for the same amount of money?

W: More or less, The way I see it, through having different jobs, I’ve got a lot of experience, and different jobs and in different

M: But potential employers might worry about that experience is not deep, or thorough

W: Perhaps, but I feel pretty confident that I can sell You know what they say, fortune favors the

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just

Question12: What makes the woman think about changing her job?

Question13: What does the man say about people who keep changing their jobs?

Question14: What does the woman say would happen even if she got promoted in her current company?

Question15: What benefit has the woman gain from changing her jobs frequently?

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three At the end of each passage, you will hear some Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a ques- tion, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Passage One

There is a saying that goes something along the lines of ‘You must love yourself first before you can love someone ’ Similarly, I personally believe that you must be comfortable and happy in your own company before you can truly be yourself in the company of There is a massive difference between being lonely and being Loneliness is a horrible However, you don’t have to actually be alone to feel that Many times, I’ve felt lonely when surrounded by a big group of In contrast, being alone can actually be a blessing, particularly, when you’ve actively chosen In my experience, being bored and alone is dangerous and can easily lead to the feeling of The trick is to be Get outside, stretch your legs, do something cultural, buy yourself something tasty to eat or something pretty to You don’t have to take anyone else into consideration and can do whatever you Spending time alone also allows you to more efficiently take care of And then, when it’s time to be social and meet up with your friends, you will be fully there, because you won’t have too much other stuff floating around in your Having been alone for a bit, you will also appreciate your friends’ company more and chances are your time spent together will be more

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just

Question 16: What does the speaker say about being alone?

Question 17: What does the speaker say how to reduce one’s feeling of loneliness?

Question 18: What is an advantage of spending one’s time alone?

Passage Two

When I turned twelve, I worked summers at my father’s small brick cleaning I remember the harsh acid smell of the cleaning solution, and the scraping sound of stiff iron brushes against rough It was tempting to have your job just But anybody who worked for Thomas Kahoon had to meet his standards, and that include of If I messed up, he made me stay late until I got it   

My father wasn’t been He demanded the same at Every brick he cleaned on the house stood out like a red jewel in a white It was his

In 1970, when I was twenty, I got I moved out my parent"s modest place into a housing     

Drugs and gang violent were just beginning to plague the

Some of my friend went to Some were My wife Verllen, was 18, and nobody gave our marriage a But we believed in each And our faith made us

When we married, I worked as a stock clerk at Southwest Super It was hard, tedious Each Friday night a truck came, with cases of food that had to be unloaded, priced and placed on

Most of stock clerks try to get Friday night But I was always ready to By Saturday morning, all the kinds and drawers in my aisle would place with a label facing smartly out, like a line of soldiers on That was my I took pride in a job nobody

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just

Question What do we learn about the speaker’s father?

Question What does the speak say about the housing project?

Question What do we learn about the speaker as a stock clerk?

Passage Three

Watching more than 3 hours of television a day doubles memory loss in older people, a new study of more than 3,000 adults Scientist at University College London used memory and fluency tests on the same group of people 6 years They found that those who watched on average less than 3 hours television a day showed a decline ever round 4 to 5 percent, while those who tended to watch more than 3 hours a day declined by an average of 8 to 10 The research team say they believe the alert but passive nature of television watching maybe creating stress on the mind, which contributes to memory

Older people who watch more television are also less likely to undertake activities knowing to preserve mental functioning, such as reading or interactive screen base pursuits, such as using the internet or playing video The researchers say that television viewing maybe a risk factor for all Alzheimer’s disease, but more researches needed to establish a

While watching television may have educational benefits and relaxation benefits, the researchers advise that adults over the age of 50 should try and ensure that television viewing is balanced with other contrasting If you’re concerned that the amount of television you’re watching could have a negative impact on your health, you should eliminate the amount of TV watch each day and undertake some healthy

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just

By what means does scientist at University College London measure memory lost?

What contributed to memory decline in the participants?

What did the researchers say about their finding concerning the link between TV viewing and _x this disease?

What do the researchers suggest older people do?

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

2022英语四级真题 第5篇

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just

News Report 2

Romania"s wetlands are coming back to life, thanks to help from local communities, the World Wildlife Fund and funding from the European Roughly 2,224 acres of the picturesque Danube Delta – home to 300 species of birds – have filled with The land has been connected to the network of lakes and streams in the "A lot of birds have migrated to the area and one doesn"t need to travel long hours anymore or go to other lakes to watch the birds, " says Ion Meuta, Deputy Mayor of The area around Mahmudia, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the third-most biodiverse in the world, after Australia"s Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the Government officials proposed to protect the area"s endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next

Questions 3 to 4 are based on the passage you have just

What is the news report mainly about?

What did government"s officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?

2022英语四级真题 第6篇

Part Ⅱ      Listening Comprehension     (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just

News Report One

… parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday, " this is what he said to The orange warning may be raised to red in some That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in The orange warning has been extended until 6 on Trains, planes and ferries are also likely to be affected, with wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as -15℃. The head of road policing said, "I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their Drivers should make sure they are prepared for their journey with warm clothing, food and drink, sufficient fuel and a charged mobile There could be significant traffic delays, so please start to plan your journey now to consider if you really need to travel on conditions of this …

Questions 1 to 2 are based on the passage you have just  

Question 1: What were people at parts of Scotland advised to do?

Question 2: What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?

2022英语四级真题 第7篇

Part I Writiig (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allouwed 30 minites to wrile an essagfonh online You can start your essay with the sentence “Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular". You shouli urrite at least 120 wonds but no more then 180

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news At the end of each news

report, you will hear too or three Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Ansuer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just

A) Ship traffic in the

B) Warm currents mn the

C) Exhaust from cars in

D) Particles emitted by power

A) They need to be taken

B) They have a huge effect on

C) They might be causing trouble to air

D) They may be affecting the world"s

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just

A) To appeal for higher

B) To demand better health

C) To call for a permnanent security

D) To dismiss the bad-tempered

A) It had already taken strong

B) It would put customers" needs

C) It would take their appeal

D) It was seeking help from the

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news repoirt you have just

A) The road was

B) The road was

C) The road wasfrozen with

D) The road was covered with spilled

A) A truck plunged into a pool of liquid

B) The heavy snow made driving very

C) The truck driver dozed off while

D) A truck hit a barrier and

A) It was a long time before the dleanup was

B) It was a hard task to remove the spilled

C) It was fortunate that no passenger got

D) It was difficult to contact the

Section B

Directions: In this section, you wil hear twoo long At the end of each conversation,you will hear four Both the conversation and the questioms will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding Letter on Ansuer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 8 to11 are based on the conversation you have just

A) She wanted to save for a new

C) She could enjoy discounts with

B) She found it much safer to use

D) She had been cheated using phone

A) They can save a lot more time and

B) They find it less difficult to make

C) They derive greater pleasure from buying

D) They are less aware of the value of their

A) More valuable

B) More non-essential

C) Everyday

D) Electronic

A) It can improve shopping

B) It is altering the way of

C) It may lead to excessive

D) It appeals more to younger

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just

A) He wanted to order some wooden

B) He had to change the furmiture delivery

C) He had a problem with the fumiture

D) He wanted the furmiture store to give him a

A) Send the furniture back to the

B) Describe the fumiture he

C) Collect the fumiture he

D) Buy another brand of

A) Correct their

B) Improve their

C) Apologize to his

D) Give the money

A) She recommended a new

B) She offered some gift to the

C) She apologized to the man once

D) She checked all the items with the

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only you hear a question, you must choose the best from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Ansuer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just

A) Reading books of

B) Tidying up one"s

C) Sharing with

D) Donating to

A) Things that make one

B) Things that are becoming

C) Things that occupy lttle

D) Things that cost a lot of

A) It joined the city"s clean-up

B) It sold as many as fty boxes of

C) It received an incredibly large number of donated

D) It did lttle business because of the unusual cold

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just

A) Give free meals to the

B) Provide shelter for the

C) Help the vulnerable to cook

D) Call for change in the local

A) Strengthen

C) Win national

B) Promote

D) Follow his

A) Spreading news of his

B) Writing him thank-you

C) Following the example he

D) Sending him hand- made

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just

A) To solve word search

B) To send smartphone

C) To test their eyesight using a phone

D) To install some audio equipment in a

A) They could not go on until the ringing

B) They could no longer concentrate on their

C) They grabbed the phone and called back right

D) They asked their experimenter to hang up the

A) A rise In emotional

B) A decline in sports

C) A reduction in the amount of

D) A decline in academuc

A) Protect the eyesight of the younger

B) Take effective measures to raise

C) Realize the disruptive effects of

D) Ensure they have suffcient sleep every

Part I Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bankt following the the passage through canfully before making your Bach choice in the bank is identified by a Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Ansuer Sheet 2 with a single line through the You may not use any of the wornds in the bankt more than

There"re three main types of financial stress people The first type is apparent in people being stressed about the 26______ups and downs of investunent markets actually not so much the ups,but 27______ the These people are usually unable or unprepared to endure the long

The next common type of financial stress is that caused by In a 28______percentage of cases of debt- induced financial stress, credit cards and loans will be a central Often there"ll be a car loan and perhaps a mortgage, but credit cards often seem to be the gateway to debt related financial difculties for

The third type of stress and 29______ the least known is inherited fnancial stress, which is the most It is experienced by those who have grown up in households where their parents regularly 30______and fought about Money therefore becomes a stressful topic, and so the thought of sitting down and planning is an unattractive 31______

Those suffering inherited financial anciety 32______to follow one of two Either they put their head in the sand: they would 33______exarmining their financial statements, budgeting,and discussing fnancial matters with those closest to Alternatiely,they would go to the other,and micro-analyze everything, to the point of complete They"re convinced that whatever decision they make will be the wrong

A) appearance

B) argued

C) avoid

D) considerable

E) definitely

F) extreme

G) inaction

H) incredibly

I) normal

J) possibly

K) proposition

L) rebelled

M) statement

N) tend

O) traditional

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage writh ten statements attached to Each statement contains information given in one of the Identify the paragraph from which the information is You may choose a paragraph mone than Each paragraph is manked with a Ansuwer the questioms by manking the corresponding letter om Ansuer Sheet

Doctor"s orders: Let children just play

A) Imagine a dnug that could enhance a child"s creativity and critical Imagine that this drug were simple to make, safe to take, and could be had for The nation"s leading pediatricians say this miracle compound In a new clinical report, they are urging doctors to prescribe it liberally to the children in their

B)“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be leamed when kids aren"t told what to do,said Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician who led the drafting of the call to Whether it"s rough physical play, outdoor play or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go, he

C) The advice, issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics, may come as a shock to some After spending years fretting over which toys to buy, which apps to download and which skill-building programs如o send their kids to after school, letting them simply play or better yet, playing with them- could seem like a step The pediatricians insist that it"s The academy"s guidance does not include specific recommendations for the dosing of Instead, it asks doctors to advise parents before their babies tum two that play is essential to healthy

D)“Play is not silly behavior,”the academy"s report fosters children"s creativity,cooperation, and problem- solving slills- all of which are critical for a 2lst century parents engage in play with their children, it builds a wall against the harmful effects of all kinds of stress , including poverty, the academy In the pediatricians" view, essentially every life skill that"s valued in adults can be built up with “ Collaboration, negotiation, decision-making,creativity, leadership, and increased physical activity are just some of the skills and benefts children gain through play," they The pediatricians" appeal comes as kids are being squeezed by increasing academic demands at school and the constant invasion of digital

E) The trends have been a long time Between 1981 and 1997, detailed time use studies showed that the time children spent at play declined by 25 Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 20XX,public schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for

standardized The focus on academic“skill and drills" has cut deeply into recess

and other time for free

F) By 20XX, a study of Los Angeles kindergarten classrooms found that five year-olds were so burdened with academic requirements that they were down to an average of just 19 minutes per day of“choice time," when they were permitted to play freely with blocks, toys or other in four Los Angeles teachers reported there was no time at all for“ free ”Increased academic pressures have left 30 percent of kindergarten classes without any Such findings prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics to issue a policy statement in 20XX on the“crucial role of recess in ”

G) Pediatricians aren"t the only ones who have In a report titled“Crisis in the Kindergarten,"a group of educators, health professionals and child advocates called the loss of play in early childhood“a tragedy, both for the children themselves and for our nation and the ”Kids in play-based kindergartens“ end up equally good or better at reading and other intellectual skills,and they are more likely to become well- adjusted healthy people," the Alliance for Childhood said in , new research demonstrates why playing with blocks might have been time better spent, Yogman The trial asssed the effectiveness of an early mathematics intervention aimed a results showed almost no gains in math

H) Another playtime thief: the growing proportion of kids" time spent in front of screens and digital devices, even among Last year, Common Sense Media reported that children up through age eight spent an average of two hours and 19 minutes in front of screens each day,including an average of 42 minutes a day for those under This increase of digital use comes with rising risks of obesity, sleep deprivation and cogmnitioe,language and social-emotional delays, the American Academy of Pediatrics warmed in

I)“I respect that parents have busy lives and it"s easy to hand a child an iPhone," Yogman “But there"s a cost to For young children, it"s much too And kids really leam better when they"re actively engaged and have to really discover

J) The decline of play is a special hazard for the roughly 1 in 5 children in the United States who live in These 14 million children most urgently need to develop the resilience that is cultivated with Instead, Yogman said, they are disproportionately affected by some of the trends that are making play scarce:academic pressures at schools that need to improve test scores,outside play areas that are limited or unsafe, and parents who lack the time or energy to share in

K) Yogman also worries about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent “The notion that as parents we need to schedule every minute of their time is not doing them a great service," he Even well-meaning parents may be“robbing them of the opportunity to have that joy of discovery and curiosity- -the opportunity如o find things out on their

L) Play may not be a hard sell to But UCLA pediatrician Carlos Lerner acknowledged that the pediaticians" new prescription may meet with skepticism from parents, who are anxious for advice on how to give their kids a leg up in the They should welcome the simplicity of the message, Lemner “It"s liberating to be able to offer them this advice: that you spending time with your child and letting him play is one of the most valuable things you can do," he “It doesn"t have to involve spending a lot of money or time , or joining a parenting It"s something we can offer that"s They just don"t recognize it right now as particularly ”

use of digital devices steals away children"s

the beginning of this century, an increasing amount of time has been shifted in public schools from recess to academic

has been acknowledged that while kids may welcome pediatricians" recommendation, their parents may doubt its

to some professionals, deprivation of young children"s playtime will do harm not only to children themselves but to the country and the

playing with children, parents can prevent them from being harmed by

with digital devices discourages kds from active discovery, according to pediatrician Michael

suggestion of letting children simply play may sound like going backwards to parents who want to help build their children"s

Michael Yogman believes the idea that parents should carefully schedule children"s time may not be helpful to their

One quarter of teachers in an American city said that children in kindergartens had no time for playing

According to a pediatrician, no matter what kind of play children engage in, they are leaming how to create

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished For each of them there are four choices markedA), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mank the corresponding letter on Ansuer

Sheet 2 with a single line through the

Paasage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following

Americans spend bilions of dollars each year trying to change their weight with diets, gym memberships and plastic

Trying to live uψ to the images of“perfect" models and movie heroes has a dark side: anxiety,depression, as well as unhealthy strategies for weight loss or muscle It also has a fnancial an eating disorder boosts arnual health care costs by nearly US $2 000 per

Why is there both extemal and internal pressure to look “ perfect"? One reason is that society rewards people who are thin and Researchers have shown that body mass index is related to wages and Especially for women, there is a clear penalty at work for being overweight or Some studies have also found an impact for men, though a less noticeable

While the research literature is clear that labor market success is partly based on how employers and customers perceive your body image, no one had explored the other side of the a person"s own perception of body image matter to earmings and other indicators of success in the workplace?

Our recently published study answered this question by tracling a large national random sarmple of Americans over a critical time period when bodies change from teenage shape into adult form and when people build their

As in other research, women in our sample tend to over-perceive their weight they think they"re heavier than they are- -while men tend to under-perceive

We found no relationship between the average person"s self-perception of weight and labor market outcomes,although self-perceived weight can influence self- esteem, mental health and health

While the continued gender penalty in the labor market is frustrating, our finding that misperceived weight does not harm workers is more

Since employers" perception of weight is what matters in the labor market,changing discrimination laws to include body type as a category would Michigan is the only state that prohibits discrimination on the basis of weight and We believe expanding such protections would make the labor market more fair and

What does the author say may have an adverse impact on people?

A) Undergoing plastic surgeries in pursuit of

B) Imitating the lifestyles of heroes and role

C) Striving to achieve perfection regardless of financial

D) Attempting to meet society"s expectation of

What have researchers found out about people"s eamings?

A) They are closely related to people"s social

B) They have to do with people"s body weight and

C) They seem to matter much less to men than to

D) They may not be equal to people"s

What does the author"s recent study focus on?

A) Previous literature on indicators of competitiveness in the

B) Traits that matter most in one"s pursuit of success in the labor

C) Whether self-perception of body image impacts one"s workplace

D) How bosses" perception of body image impacts employees"

What is the finding of the author"s recent research?

A) Being overweight actually does not do much harm to the overall well-being of

B) People are not adversely affected in the workplace by false self-perception of body

C) Self-esteem helps to combat gender inequality in the

D) Gender inequality continues to fnustrate a lot of female

What does the author think would help improve the situation in the labor market?

A) Banning discrimination on the basis of employees" body

B) Expanding protection of women against gender

C) Helping employees change their own perception of

D) Excluding body shape as a category in the labor

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following

The work-life balance is By this, I"m not advocating that you should give up your pursuit of having a fulblling career and a thriving personal life, and I"m definitely not saying that you have to give up one to have the I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem, but T"m arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it"s too You see, our language makes a difference, and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our

At the minimum, most of us work because we want如be able to support ourselves , our fanilies,and the people around In the ideal world, we"re all doing work that we"re proud of and that provides meaning and purpose to But even if your job doesn"t give you shivers of joy each new day, working is a part of what each of us does and the contribution we make to When you separate work and life, it"s a lttle bit harder to make that when you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports

Losing your balance and falling isn"t A goal to balance suggests that things could quickly get off balance, and that causes terible It"s more constructive to think of solutions that continue to evolve over shifts in life and Rather than falling or failing, you may have good days or better days or not-so-good These variations are normal, and it"s more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving and changing, rather than a high-risk enterprise where things could go wrong with one

How we tlk to ourselves matters, and how we talk about issues makes a Let"s bury “work-life balance”and think bigger and better about work-life fulfllment to do a little less balancing and a lot more

What does the author suggest by saying“The work-life balance is dead"?

A) The hope of achieving a thriving life is impossible to

B) The pursuit of a ful6lling career involves personal

C) The imbalance between work and life simply doesn"t exist

D) The concept of work-life balance contributes lttle to a flflling

What does the author say about our use of language?

A) It impacts how we think and

C) It reflects how we

B) It changes with the passage of

D) It differs from person to

What does the author say we do in an ideal world?

A) We do work that betters the lives of our families and

B) We do work that gives us bursts of joy each new

C) We do meaningful work that contributes to

D) We do demanding work that brings our capacity into full

What does the author say about life?

A) It is

C) It is

B) It is

D) It is

What does the author advise us to do?

A) Make life as simple as

C) Balance life and work in a new

B) Talk about balance in simpler

D) Strive for a more fulflling

Part IV

Translation(30 minutes )

Directions: For this part, you are allouwed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese You should write your answer on Ansuer Sheet

茅台( Moutai)是中国最有名的白酒,在新中国成立前夕,被选为国宴用酒。据说赤水沿岸的村民四千年前就开始酿造茅台。在西汉时期,那里的人们生产出了高质量的茅台,并把它贡给皇帝。自唐朝开始,这种地方酒通过海上丝绸之路运往海外。茅台味道柔和,有一种特殊的香味;适量饮用可以帮助缓解疲劳,有镇静作用,因而广受国内外消费者的喜爱。

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