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来源:专题范文 时间:2024-02-05 16:00:05

建筑设计:tara 建筑公司及Pohl+合作伙伴工程师 | 地点:意大利 南蒂罗尔 瓦尔马泰山谷 | 摄影:Renè Riller

Design Company: tara architects and Pohl+Partner engineers | Location: Val Martello valley,South Tyrol,Italy | Photo credits: Renè Riller

即使普利马峡谷旁边几米远就有可供行走的小路,但一直无人关注。尽管这里美丽如画,但登山者、旅行者、甚至本地人均对此一无所知。为了实现“领略”峡谷美景的愿望,tara 建筑公司认为,深入峡谷的各种建筑形态(比如,台阶、桥梁、小路、悬梯等)均不可行。tara 建筑公司声称,欣赏这座峡谷及其周边风景的最佳地点是悬崖边缘。登山者仅需几分钟时间,即可离开原有路线,并绕过四条小道,来到观景台,以四种不同方式饱览普利马峡谷的悬崖美景:“长勺”型观景台让游客沿着悬崖边缘行走,靠近普利马的瀑布。游客可在“镰刀”型观景台沿着悬崖水平移动。而“讲坛”型观景台可将游客升至悬崖以上。最后,游客可通过吊桥从悬崖一边到达另一边。吊桥重新连接了峡谷两侧已有的小路。

Although a trail has always been running only a couple of metres beside it,the Plima Gorge was never set a focus on.No hiker,no tourist,hardly any local would know about it,in spite of it’s striking beauty.When the vision of making the gorge „accessible“ was born,tara opposed to all ideas of constructions– stairs,bridges,paths,ladders etc– being inserted in the gorge.The fascination of this gorge and its setting in the surrounding landscape is best experienced from the edge along it,tara claimed.Leading the hiker offhis existing path on four little detours of only a couple of minutes,the viewpoints make him experience the edge of the Plima Gorge in four different manners:The „ladle“ takes the visitor down beyond the edge,bringing him close to the Plima’s spray.The „sickle“lets the visitor slide horizontally along the edge.The”pulpit“ lifts the visitor up above the edge line.And finally the suspension bridge takes the visitor from one edge to the other,creating a new connection between existing trails on the two sides of the gorge.

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