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来源:读后感 时间:2024-10-14 10:00:02

广东 陈丽芳





In those days, not many villagers could read.那时候,没有多少村民识字。

In poor countries and regions, the number of school dropouts is astonishing.在贫穷国家和地区,辍学人数惊人。

But women still account for over half of the world"s poor in population and 60% of adults who can"t read.但女性仍然占世界贫困人口的一半以上,占不识字成年人的60%。


As his daughter, I know what education means to the people, especially those without it.作为他的女儿,我知道教育对人们来说意味着什么,尤其是那些没有受过教育的人。


As a teacher, my commitment to education for all will never change.作为一名教师,我对普及教育的承诺永远不会改变。



I have visited many schools around the world.I"ve seen first-hand how much we can do for education.我参观了世界各地的许多学校。我亲眼看见了我们在教育方面可以做多少事情。


So my father opened a night school to teach them how to read.所以我父亲开了一所夜校教他们识字。

I am following my father"s footsteps to help continue China"s success story.我正在追随父亲的脚步,帮助延续中国的成功故事。


Education is about women and girls.It is important for girls to go to school because they will become their children"s first teachers someday.Education is crucial in the addressing such inequalities.教育关乎妇女和女孩。女孩上学很重要,因为有一天她们会成为自己孩子的启蒙老师。教育在解决这种不平等问题方面至关重要。

Education is about equality.In poor countries and regions, the number of school dropouts is astonishing.We call for more educational resources to these places.教育关乎平等。在贫穷国家和地区,辍学人数惊人。我们呼吁向这些地方提供更多的教育资源。

Education is about the young people.Young people are the future.Education is important because it not only gives young people knowledge and skills but also helps them become responsible citizens.教育关乎年轻人。年轻人是未来。教育很重要,因为它不仅给年轻人知识和技能,而且帮助他们成为负责任的公民。



With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help, many people learned to read newspapers for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read.在他的帮助下,许多人学会了写自己的名字;

After generations of hard work, China has come a long way in education.I myself am a beneficiary of that progress.经过几代人的努力,中国的教育事业取得了长足的进步。我本人就是这一进步的受益者。

In China, Spring Bud Education Program has helped over 3 million girls go back to school.Many of them have finished university education and they are doing well at work.在中国,春蕾教育计划已帮助300 多万女童重返校园。他们中的许多人已经完成了大学教育,并在工作中表现出色。


I am truly honored to do something for Global Education.我非常荣幸能为全球教育做点什么。

I was once asked about my Chinese dream.I said I hope all children, especially girls,can have access to good education.This is my Chinese dream.我曾经被问到我的中国梦。我说我希望所有的孩子,尤其是女孩,都能接受良好的教育。这就是我的中国梦。


Many years ago, my father made a small difference in his village.Together we can make a big difference in the world.许多年前,我父亲在他的村子里做了一点小小的改变。我们可以一起改变世界。

I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, but it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet.我相信,总有一天,教育第一将不再是一个梦想,而将成为这个星球上每一位年轻女性共同享受的现实。




Education is about women and girls.教育关乎妇女和女孩。

Education is about equality.教育关乎平等。

Education is about the young people.教育关乎年轻人。



With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help, many people learned to read newspapers for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read.在他的帮助下,许多人学会了写自己的名字;

连续三个句子用“with his help”串联起来,用排比来抒情,节奏和谐,层次递进,显得感情真挚洋溢、气势更为强烈。



示例I missed my family, my home and my pony.Whether in class, at work, or at home, my mother was always busy.解析从家人到家再到小马,逐步递进,突出了主人公内心对以前生活的怀念之情通过三个相似场景的变换,详细阐述了妈妈很忙这一客观事实








示例Mac jumped off the bicycle, dashed into the car, and closed the door.Poppy ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and sprinted down the alley.解析在紧要关头,作者使用三个连续动作,使得镜头慢下来,增强画面感,同时凸显紧张感跑过院子,跳过篱笆,沿着小巷狂奔,极具镜头感的三个动作呈现出狗狗活泼好动的一面








描述多个动作或场景时,用with 介词短语或者with 复合结构作状语,使描述更生动。

With his help, many people learned to write their own names.在他的帮助下,许多人学会了写自己的名字。即学即练






读后续写的语篇中通常含有大量的动作描写。为避免通篇都是只有一个谓语动词的简单句,非谓语动词(主要包括doing/done/having done等)的使用就尤为重要。恰当运用分词结构,可以有效整合零碎信息,使表达更加简洁和紧凑,也使上下文的衔接流畅自然,给续写文章增色。

I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, but it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet.我相信,总有一天,教育第一将不再是一个梦想,而将成为这个星球上每一位年轻女性共同享受的现实。








But women still account for over half of the world"s poor in population and 60% of adults who can"t read.但女性仍然占世界贫困人口的一半以上,占不识字成年人的60%。







The best day of Todd"s life

Michael Todd wore the same clothes every day for the first three weeks of school.1.___________________________(他成了大家嘲笑的对象), but there was little Todd could do.His mother simply couldn"t afford to buy him new clothes.

Two of the kids laughing at Todd were Antwan Garrett and Kristopher Graham, a pair of freshman football players.But over time, 2.___________________________(他们意识到他们的话似乎伤害了托德).

3.“___________________________(我觉得我需要做点什么),” Graham says.So he and Garrett made a plan.They went home and hunted through their own drawers and closets.The next day at school, they met Todd at their third-period class and asked him to come into the hall.Todd was worried about being called out by the boys.

“He wasn"t smiling, and I was like, ‘I think this is going to make you smile,’” Graham says.“I told him, ‘We"re in the same third period, and 4.___________________________(我为之前嘲笑你而道歉).I want to give something to you to make up for it.’” He then handed Todd a bag.Inside were clean shirts and shorts, plus a brand-new pair of sneakers(运动鞋).

5.__________________________(托 德 惊 呆 了).“I was very happy,” he says.“Shocked, completely.” And Todd got much more than a new wardrobe.6.__________________________(现在,他不再独自一人吃午饭了).He eats with his new friends, Garrett and Graham.

Reflecting on the day Garrett and Graham called him into the hall, Todd called it the best day of his entire life.


主题1 青年朋友们关爱老年人

A New Year project

It was four weeks before the New Year, and our youth group wanted to do something together as a New Year project for our community.The concept was great, but none of us had any idea what to do.

“Maybe we could have a food drive to help the homeless,” John suggested at our Sunday night meeting.“But we have done that many times,” answered Brian with a frown.Ten minutes passed with not a single proposal good enough to win our hearts.Finally, I decided to speak.“Why don"t we think about our project for a few days and then come back with three or four suggestions we can vote on?” Everyone agreed to wait a week before we made a decision.

I knew time was running out to get something going before the New Year, but I still had no clue what we should do.During the following week, one idea after another ran through my mind, but I was still indecisive.

Thursday after school, I wandered into the kitchen as my dad prepared for dinner.Sensing my uneasiness, he asked what troubled me without even looking up.“” I let out a long breath.“Our youth group wants to do something for the New Year, but we don"t know what to do...” “Hmm.” My dad thought out loud.“There"s a seniors" home I"ve worked with close to St.Joseph"s Hospital.The residents don"t get out much around the New Year with the snow and ice.It might be an idea to take them out to see the New Year lights around here.”

I stood still for a few moments thinking of all the spectacular (绚丽的) New Year light display in our neighborhood.To be honest, I never thought about that, but it might just work.

Paragraph 1:

Next Sunday evening,our youth group met.___________________________________





Paragraph 2:

On New Year"s Day,the bus we rented arrived at the seniors" home in the snow._______





主题2 陌生人的援助之手

A narrow escape

Michael lives in one of the most magical places in the world, Honolulu, Hawaii, which is known as an ideal vacation spot for most Americans.Michael gets to call this place home.There is only one problem—Michael doesn"t have a regular dwelling (住所).Being a homeless man, he usually sleeps on the streets and beaches of Honolulu.

Michael has an interest in baseball, so he often takes advantage of the beautiful weather to play baseball.That"s how he earns himself the nickname “Baseball Mike”.Many of his friends know where to find him—on the roof of the former Heald College parking garage.There, he practises his skills, in the hope of making it big one day.

Several days ago, when Michael was hitting some baseballs, he lost one in a narrow gap between the parking garage and a drug store next door.He kept on playing.After losing a total of six balls, he decided to go down to get them.The gap was so narrow that Michael wasn"t sure whether he could fit.But realizing those baseballs were his only possessions,Michael finally made up his mind.The 55-year-old man made his way down the gap, but things quickly turned tricky.“I saw it was skinny at the bottom but I"m skinny, very skinny,” Michael said.Moments later, he let out an “uh oh”.The space was too small for him to fit, yet he kept going with his eyes on his baseballs.They were all he had.

As he went down a little lower and lower, he realized there was no way to go back.He had to wait for someone to rescue him.As he didn"t have a cellphone, he had to shout as loudly as he could.However, there was no one answering him.Half an hour later, he felt extremely thirsty.He was exhausted and thought he could no longer hold on.Just as he was about to give up, he heard the sound of footsteps was approaching.

Paragraph 1:

A guard named Ray passed by and discovered Michael.__________________________





Paragraph 2:

The firefighters arrived at the site within minutes.______________________________





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