1. 关于标题
2. 关于文体
3. 关于结构
4. 关于段落
每一段是否有topic sentence?是否实现了unity(统一性),即每段只讲一个内容? 文章coherence(连贯性)如何?是否运用了一些transition(过渡)手段?
5. 关于表达
文中夹杂汉字;用了顿号、书名号;句子中间到处打点;Take sth. as an example.后用逗号;Because从句单独使用;阿拉伯数字、年代小写;写信时日期写在信尾,还采用中国式写法;用了call 110/120等中国特有的号码; 将祈使句误用为激励自己;书名、电影名未用斜体。
Renumber the sentences to arrange them in what you think is the best order.
The controlling idea: Since I began living in an apartment and going to school, my biggest problem has been the housework.
(1) Cooking my food is a bigger problem.
(2) The worst problem is doing my laundry.
(3) Cleaning the apartment is not too bad, although it takes time away from my studies; at least
when I finsh the apartment looks nice.
(4) Sometimes the food is burned,sometimes it is not cooked enough, and sometimes I have not
measured correctly, so the food tastes terrible.
(5) Shopping for my food is more difficult because I don’t know the English names of many
foods, and often I have to spend extra time asking for help.
(6) The laundromat is far from my apartment, and I waste much valuable time.
(7) I have never had to cook before, and usually the results are discouraging.
(8) Mostly I am embrassed as I sit in the laundromat with all the women,and so I wait until all my
clothes are dirty before I do this terrible task.
(9) I also have trouble with the complicted instructions,so occasionally I ended up with pink
socks or a shirt that is too small.
What kind of titles are good?
concise: more often noun phrases rather than long sentences; clear
beautiful and refined
complete: not partial, governing the whole text rather than a part
The Writing of Titles
Write the following titles in the proper form.
1. where I lived, and what I lived for
2. are transgenic crops safe
3. well-known dramatist of the ming dynasty
4. a day to remember
5. approaches to teaching english as a foreign language
6. criticisms on the ending of mark twain’s adventures of Huckleberry finn
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